CA Exam Tips

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AIR IPCC Subject wise strategy.pdf
🎯 Strategy to clear CA IPC
(For All 7 Subjects)

♦️ By CA Gurpreet Singh

ℑoin us 🔜

🎯 To clear CA Final Both groups together ,u can follow this strategy :

♦️Do revise daily like I studied 12 hours out of which 2 hours were alloted for Daily Revision of whatever I studied on that day.

🔹 For practicals, I made a Concept Register and star marked only those questions which contains new concept.

♦️ I kept Sunday as a Revision Sunday whatever I studied whole week I used to revise on Sunday.

🔹 I took help of YouTube for revision as there are many faculties YouTube Revision Lectures are there.


📚 Books I referred :



4⃣ Law -ICAI SM ( with Swapnil Patni charts and his revision videos on YouTube for revision)

5⃣ AMA/COST - PM + 5 RTP+ 4 MTP


7⃣ DT - Bhanwar Borana Sir



🎯I made a Learning Register which contained:-
👉Law section number list
👉AS numbers
👉SA numbers
👉 PE clauses
👉CARO clauses
👉DT important sections
👉 IDT all sections

🎯I worked on Presentation like Law, DT, Audit ,IDT (case study)
I used to write answer in this sequence
👉Issue involved
👉Section or standard involved
👉Provision of law/standard


🎯I used to revise my learning and concept register daily

🎯 I deleted all my social media accounts fb Instagram etc

🎯Lastly and most importantly
I did not take big books on last day I did only concept register and star marked problems.

🎯I never ever attended any test series I solved 3-4 mock test paper by myself and review my mistakes.

I made my own SWOT analysis like I used to encash my strength and improved my weaknesses.


💁‍♂Thanking you

☞✮ @ICAIexamtips


🔻1. Prepare from defined material of institute - practise manual, study material, past papers, rtp's /mtp's

🔻2. Prepare concepts in a manner, which enable us to use the same concepts in multiple chapters to condense or consolidate the subject

🔹3.Some trigger points are to be retained in mind, so right things can be recalled at right time in exam without loosing time.

🔹4. Make proper structure of topics in your mind, so information of question can be rightly and timely processed.

🔻5. try to understand logic and concepts of formulas as far as possible, so time is invested in recalling right formulas for timely application.

🔻6.Link concepts which are interrelated.

🔺7. Acknowledge some calculator tricks.

🔺8. Categorize questions of each chapter, to ensure all types of questions are done and to determine which type of questions are to be revised on last day.

🔺9. Determine questions which are repeated and not related to any chapters.

🔹10. Train yourself to read and attempt new questions in exams, so they can be attempted and completed.

🔹11. Manage time properly. early commencement of preparations will work wonders.

🔻12. Avoid distractions.



☞✮ @ICAIexamtips

🎯 To Get Exemption in ISCA u can follow strategy of Bagya Lakshmi :

(I self studied ISCA, followed practice manual to the word and scored 61.)

♦️ISCA is all about remembering the answers. The question paper is such that unless you know the answer you cannot put anything on the answer sheet. I will discuss here how to prepare for the exam.

♦️Looking at the question paper pattern, marks assigned to each question can be between 2 marks to 6 marks. Meaning, number of questions asked is more and it demands precise answers. Not the length but the content is important. For 2 marks minimum four lines or half page answer will do. For 6 marks minimum single page answer will do; maximum in both cases is upto you.

♦️While reading answers think you are preparing for a 6 marks question i.e., question with maximum marks. This way it doesn’t matter if the question is given for 6 or 2 marks; you can answer either way. 

📌 The answers are presented in two ways: Written as paragraphs and written as points. 

♦️Written as paragraphs: For these kind of answers you should remember minimum 5 meaningful sentences.

♦️Written as points: For these kind of answers memorise all the points and minimum one sentence for each point.

♦️Choose ICAI study material, if not this, your coaching institute material. Without reading practice manual do not go to exam. Try reading all topics. If you choose to read only certain topics then read everything without skipping any answer.

☞✮ @ICAIexamtips


📣 How frequently should I revise, for maximum retention?

🔰 It is said, ‘Out of sight, out of mind’. Revision is the most crucial part of the preparation. To understand this, let us take an example of a theory chapter of law.

➡️ On day one, we study 'Directors'. We will revise the same at day-end in one hour. Now, the second revision will take place on next day (i.e. 2nd day of the month).

➡️ This would take only 30 mins now, as it has already been done the previous night. We will revise this chapter the third time on the weekend, in a maximum of 15 mins. The fourth revision will come in at the end of the month, where we will take approx. 7 mins to revise the same concept.

📌 Total time taken will be as under:

Daily Revision Time: 1 hour (today's topic) + 30 mins (yesterday's topic) = 1.5 hrs

Weekend: Above 1.5 Hrs + 5 days * 15 mins = Max 3 hrs

Month End: Above 1.5 Hrs + 7 mins * 28 = Max 5 Hrs

So, by the end of the month, we would have completed the revision of the topic !exactly four times!

📣 Tips for Study

Based on above, the following are important tips:

1. Study the concept from your existing notes/reference book.
2. Practice writing from the practice manual (20% Qs)
3. Prepare summary of all PM Qs (theory) and all-important adjustments (practical subjects)
4. Frequent revisions based on above schedule
5. Appear for test series and mock tests.`

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🎯 How to score 90+ Marks in SFM & AMA :
By Yogendra Kumar Sharma

As I scored 93 in SFM and 89 in AMA in CA finals, so I think I can help you in making a good strategy to clear these two.

See these two are practical subjects, so the most important is clarity of concept, here I will explain few point…which you can take and make your own strategy as study strategy depends on person to person.

Here I am considering the old course you can arrange accordingly if you need suggestion for new one,

💁‍♂ 1. Subject level strategy:

a. Categorize the entire course in 3 or 4 categories based on similarity of concept in chapters like

📌 In AMA

1. Category one (Linear Programing, Transportation, CPM, PERT and LCT simple say chapter no 11 to 16) however the concept is not 100% same but you will find a basic similarities in these chapters and this portion will help you to secure at least 35-40 Marks (even More)

2. Category two (Method of costing Like standard costing, Service sector costing, budget simply say chapter number 4-6 and 8) this category will help you to secure 15-20 marks.

3. Category third (Pricing Chapter 3 and 7 and also include chapter 9 here) this will give at least 15-20 marks coverage.

4. Category four (Chapter 1 and 2) these are most lengthy chapters and will help you in secure at least 35-45 marks.

📌 Similarly for SFM:

1. Category one (Analysis Like security Chapter3 to 4 and 6 to 10) will cover at least 30-35 Marks.

2. Category two (Capital Market and Foreign transactions like Chapter 5 and 11-12) will cover at least 40-50 Marks.

3. Category third will cover all other remaining chapter where different concept are there (Chapter 1, 2, and 13) and will help you to secure at least 30-35.

The above categorization will give you a confident and comfort in study, further it will help you to cover the entire course quickly.

b. Try to start with a category which is lessor tough and simple for you so that you can go smoothly.

c. Make your own short notes for all concepts and steps that you applied in different types of question, this will help you a lot in revise the entire course.

d. Try to do these two subject during different time periods I mean never run these two during a single time slot. You can do any other theory subject with one of these.

e. Solve the SM and PM along with RTP of last 3-5 attempts.

💁‍♂ 2. General Tips

a. As presentation of answer is more important than exact solution of any question, so you should do practice with old paper and mock test papers.

b. You should do practice for time management also as paper will be lengthy, where time management is most important.

c. You should revise the entire course for at least 3 times, as per your time schedule however I would suggest time which will requires for these revision

i. First Revision 2-2.5 months

ii. Second revision 30-40 days

iii. Third revision 15-20 days and finally exam day revision

d. Try to solve old paper and Mock test paper in exam scenario i.e. just like examination in single sitting and in 3 hours only.

For this practice you can take help of your friend or family members in evaluation of your answers. You should learn from your mistakes in this practice.

e. Finally you should attend the Mock test exam organized by institute.

Hope this will help you…

All the best for your exam and future…..

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🕹Strategy To get Exemption in CA Final : FR & SFM

By P.R.

I used to study Ac and sfm of whole week daily after having supper Mon Tue Wed Ac and Thur Fri Sat SFM i did PM +Last 5 RTPS + LAST 5 ATTEMPT Q PAPERS + LAST 5 ATTEMPT MOCK TEST Papers (both mock test 1&2) For SFM I also did Q bank of Sanjay Saraf sir

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👨‍🔧 11 Crucial Tips and Suggestions Before Appearing for the Exam:

This is CA Exams, and this is a 'composite Supply' of Tension and nervousness.

So naturally this makes students feel so many things inside their mind about many a things, which ofcourse they should not.

I wish to share with you some of such important things which you all need to take care of to ensure your exams go well and without any tension.

So here we go!

1. Please ensure you DO NOT believe on any incorrect social media posts or information such as

"This chapter is sure shot coming"

"This paper is expected tough"

"ICAI will keep strict checking"

All these things are always not true at all and are meant to deviate you from your studies.

2. Please take 1 exam at a time. When you prepare for Paper 1, DO NOT think about Paper 2 or Paper 3.

This will spoil your Paper 1 link and it may not prove good.

After exams, forget how it was and get back to Paper 2!

This will bring in a lot of peace in your mind.

3. Please get all your queries solved from experts rather than other students.

Please consult the subject professor rather than getting more confused by asking other students.

4. Please try to avoid discussing the exam once it is over. You have done your best in the gone 3 hours, and now leave it on your fate and God.

Discussing wont change your answers.

This will panic others also. Be friendly to others' emotions also.

5. Keep yourself motivated and optimistic. Avoid contacts with negative crowd and stay away from negative events. Watch motivational videos or interviews if needed.

6. Ample of students think CA exams means study, study & study! No never!

You need to take proper rest in between and small breaks.

You are not a machine to work non stop. Take proper sleep also.

7. Health is Wealth ! Please avoid outside food, fatty foods and other drinks which are not healthy for us. You can bare for 16 days / 8 days ofcourse.

8. Keep yourself updated & be final with the books you will read for each subject. Same applies for amendments. Avoid asking others their books, because it is bound to confuse you, which is highly avoidable at this point.

9. Do not put yourself in others' shoes. Mind your own work. Let others do whatever they are. You are not required to copy others.

10. Avoid relatives at this point of time. Be selfish now, not social. Remember they are relatives, so they wont stop chasing you if you cut off with them for 16 days.

11. Do not feel bogged down if your paper is not good. Forget about it and try for exemption in the next paper. You never know what results will bring to you! Give your 100% in every paper.

I wish all the best to all of you, and do your best !

Join @ICAIexamtips for more Exam Tips !!!
How To Complete 100% Paper in 3 Hours by Ravi Taori Sir
Hello Everyone this important message is for both ca final and ca ipcc students . First part for finals and then for IPCC. It is for both old and new course....


➡️ 60-40 Rule
First of all, try to understand that, writing 100% paper with 100% quality is not possible. It is a myth that you can complete full paper and do justice to all questions equally. So now what do we do?
Divide your paper in 60-40. First 60 marks you should write very nicely. You should write in-depth answers to the same. Answers should be written in such a way that the examiner is impressed by them. It should cover all the important and necessary points. These answers should be perfect in every possible manner.
But you will attempt these 60 marks in first 2 hours i.e. 120 minutes. That means you will have 2 minutes for every 1 mark. For example, if you have are solving 5 marks question, then you have 10 minutes to solve it or if you have 6 marks question you have 12 minutes. So these 60 marks should be attempted in the best possible way. So if you score 80% in these 60 marks it will be 48 marks, which is a fair score. Even if you score 75% that comes to 45 marks.
You will solve remaining 40 marks in 1 hour that means 1.5 minute for every mark. If you take 45-50 minutes it will be very beneficial. This way even if you score 1 mark in every question totalling to 10-15 marks from these 40 marks. It will be a good attempt. This way you will be able to attempt 100% paper.
➡️ Last Page Rule
As soon as you get the answer sheet, go to the last page. Here write down all SA numbers, CARO clause numbers, tax audit clause numbers, professional ethics clause numbers. If you are from IPCC then write down companies act sections. Write down everything that is difficult to remember. Otherwise, what happens when you start writing the paper you just become blank. You think I just knew the clause number but right now I am not able to remember it. You get confused and tend to write wrong clause numbers. Writing them down on the last page will help you write correct numbers and clear your confusions whenever needed.
➡️ Used Pen Rule
You should try to use a pen you have already used earlier. Do not try a new pen. A used pen is smoother and you are used to writing with it. So your speed will be faster with that pen. Actually, I have even seen many students and even toppers use those 2-3 rs pens. These pens I suppose are very light and they glide faster. So it gives good speed toy your writing.
➡️ Use of Writing Pad
This is an unusual tip. But if it helps then its good. I have heard someone giving this tip so thought of sharing with you.
Try to keep 2-3 pages between the page you are writing on and your writing pad. Your answer sheet is of 30-32 pages. So when you keep such a big bunch of papers underneath it becomes very soft and this may reduce your speed of writing. So keeping just 2-3 pages would help you to improve your speed and save time.
➡️ Avoid Distractions
Please try to avoid any kind of distractions whatsoever. Forget everything and anything around you. Because you are in a deep thought when you are writing your paper. So when you get distracted it takes a lot of time to again concentrate and come back to the place from where you got distracted.
➡️ Solve easy ones first
One of the popular tips. Please solve the easy questions first. But do not spend a lot of time on them Keep in mind that you have 2 minutes for every mark. You cannot be spending more time on these easy ones.
➡️ Difficult questions
It generally happens with students that they give too much time to some difficult questions which disrupts their flow of writing the paper. So please be very cautious and careful while spending time on the difficult questions. Please follow or 60-40 rule while giving time to the questions.
I hope these tips help you to achieve greater milestones. Best of Luck.

- Ravi Taroi Sir

💰 Very very Useful Financial Tips:-

1. Avoid buying property on loans unless you have a clear plan for its repayment. Monitor cash flow

2. Start a SIP at a very young age

3. Avoid buying a car unless you use it everyday

4. Do not let this sentence scare you. “Mutual fund investment are subject to market risk”. Look at the history and growth of Mutal Funds

5. Try having a simple wedding

6. Atleast 20% of your wealth should be liquid so you can utilize it when necessary

7. Considering inflation, do not keep huge money in savings bank account

8. If you invest in stocks, pay due attention

9. Do not have a belief that property & car make you rich

10. Never invest in insurance for returns

11. Use credit card for needs not for wants

12. Cancel all credit cards before you die, or inform family. Even a small residue will cost your family much

13. Invest on yourself & then on other investments

14. Balance your earnings with your savings first, then on spending and loans. Never take unnecessary loans

15. Always have a plan for future events on your career, life, spending and finance

16. Always have a reserve on your savings for contingency and urgent situations

17. Investment like, have a regular health check & do healthy workout every day

18. Do buy adequate Term Insurance Policy, if you have dependents

19. Prepare a Will


Репост из: CA Notes & Updates : Commerce Updates
👩‍🎓 7 Guidelines on How to Overcome Failure in CA Exams:

There are students who, after giving multiple attempts in CA Exams, failed to crack the  exam.

I will discuss about something that you may not have done it previously. 

After reading this you may be able to find out what action is required from your side to overcome failure.

Well, I will be focusing on 8 major points.

1) Have a positive mind set:

Yes, it is absolutely essential to keep yourself positive in difficult times.

I know it is easy to say than to do. But you have to be positive.

Tell me what will you gain by thinking negative.?

Forget about your failures, forget about your attempts.

Think as if that this May 2018 is your first attempt. You have to be absolutely fearless.

2) Replace your old  books with new ones :

Yes, you have heard it right. Replace  your old  books(especially theory books)  to the extent possible with a new one.

Because all your negative emotions are attached with those old books.

3) Revise, revise and revise :

The key to success in CA exams is to revise again and again and again and again.

Make sure that you are revising your subject for at least 5-7times.

The more you revise, the more will be the subject in your grip.

4) Find out your mistakes and stop blaming ICAI:

Unfortunately blaming ICAI, instead of finding your own mistakes have became the ultimate reason for the  failure. Find out your own mistakes.

Do what ever it is required to do. Consult with your seniors, with friends, with teachers, changing your pattern of study, changing your time of study bla bla bla.

Believe me guys until and unless you are unable to find out where your mistake is you will never be able to recover your failure.

If you do the same thing again and again, you will end up with failure only. So finding out mistakes is inevitable.

5) Have your certified copies :

If you are not good in a subject, if you think you should get more marks,  get your certfied copies of exam from the ICAI.

See where marks are deducted, why they are deducted. See copies of students who are  getting good marks. Compare with yours one.

6) Give mock test :

Mock test is essential to asses yourself. It will also help to increase your efficiency and accuracy.

As you have read your syllabus multiple times, you can easily revise your subject and give mock test.

Now a days there are online sites where you can give exams. Alternatively, ICAI also conduct mock tests. Get full advantage of it.

7) Articleship is essential :

Now there may be students, giving group 2 while doing their articleship. Now what you have to do is manage your study time. 

You can neither loose focus in articleship, nor loose focus on stydy. At least 6-7 hours of study per day is essential. 

Now this may be one of the toughest thing to do. But you have to do it any how to get passed in exam.  

In order to be a successful CA articleship is essential. On the other hand  you can't loose focus on your studies because of your articleship. 

So its your responsibility how you should manage both. 

Depending on how much study leave you will get, plan your studies. 

Thanks To :
- Dwaipayan Paul & Finapp

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