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US Doctors Warn of Dangerous Dengue Fever Outbreak — Mirror

The US medical community is raising concerns about a global outbreak of dengue fever. The World Health Organization (WHO) had declared an emergency due to the disease last December, but the situation has worsened in the past six months.

In the Americas alone, there have been 9.7 million cases reported this year, a significant increase from the 4.6 million cases reported in all of 2023.

Dengue fever, primarily transmitted through mosquitoes, is less common in the mainland US. However, the number of cases in the US has tripled compared to last year.

The disease starts with high fever, chills, joint pain, and nausea. While the prognosis for ordinary dengue fever is generally favorable, the hemorrhagic variety has a fatality rate of 50%.

Currently, there are no reliable drugs or vaccines available for dengue fever.

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Hundreds of ISIL-linked migrants have entered through the southern border — NYP

Journalists took a look at an alarming report from the Department of Homeland Security. It turns out that more than 400 migrants linked in one way or another to ISIS terrorists from Central Asia to the U.S. entered the U.S. primarily through the southern border.

Insiders noted that all four hundred people were released by the migration service. The migrants were not on the government's terrorist watch list.

However, the recent terrorist attack in Russia has forced ICE to more closely monitor the history of migrants released into the country. As a result, many of those linked to ISIL did get arrested.

However, the whereabouts of the 50 illegal migrants on the list remain unknown.

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Biden pardons thousands of convicted LGBT military members — CBS

The president has pardoned members of the military who were convicted for their orientation. The decision will affect thousands of U.S. military members who have gone on trial over the past 60 years.

Biden said he is correcting a historical injustice with his decision. The military was convicted just for being themselves, the president emphasized.

According to Biden, the U.S. military stands at the forefront of freedom and risked their lives for the country. Because of the laws of the past, the president continued, members of the military have borne the burden of injustice for decades.

The military criminalized same-sex relationships in 1951. In 2014, Congress and President Barack Obama decriminalized the law.

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In Chicago, a patient underwent a kidney transplant while conscious — People

28-year-old John Nicholas from Chicago witnessed doctors transplanting his kidney and even saw the organ itself.

What he experienced during the surgery, which lasted just under 2 hours, Nicholas called it a "cool experience."

Satish Nadig, a transplant surgeon himself who is also the director of Northwestern Medicine Comprehensive Transplant Center, where the surgery took place, says it was a unique experience:

It was an incredible experience to show the patient what their new kidney looks like before placing it in their body

Nicholas didn't fall asleep during the surgery because instead of general anesthesia, the medical staff decided to use spinal anesthesia, similar to what is done during a C-section.

Nicholas was released from the hospital just one day after the surgery.

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A novelty from Nike and Hyperice, sneakers that will give you a massage by themselves

It is provided by air bubbles and heating elements powered by a battery in the insole. It is controlled by four buttons on the heel.

Nike notes that these shoes are useful not only for runners but also for those who stand for long periods of time at work.

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Prosecutors' office recommends opening a criminal case against Boeing — BBC

The US Justice Department has until 7 July to decide whether to open a criminal case against aircraft manufacturer Boeing, prosecutors have recommended.

The company allegedly failed to fulfil its obligations under a 2021 settlement agreement that protected it from criminal prosecution for the deadly 737 MAX crashes in 2018 and 2019 that killed 346 people.

The obligations were for Boeing to pay $2.5bn in compensation to the victims' families, and after three years, prosecutors had to ask the court to drop criminal charges.

Last week, relatives of the victims called on the prosecutor's office to demand a $25bn fine from Boeing and to initiate criminal proceedings.

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Two Flights Disrupted Due to Sudden Depressurization on Planes Bound for Taiwan and Bangkok

Korean Air's Boeing 737 Max 8 was forced to return to Incheon Airport after experiencing pressure problems. Of the 133 people on board, 19 were sent to hospitals with ear pain and nosebleeds. The issue occurred 50 minutes after departure.

In response, South Korea's transport ministry has ordered 11 airlines to check the supercharger systems on all their 400 aircraft.

Similarly, Malaysia Airlines' Airbus A-330 encountered the same problem. The Bangkok-bound flight returned to Kuala Lumpur, but no injuries were reported.

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World's largest waiting room built at New York airport revealed — Daily Mail

Delta Air Lines has completed the world's largest lounge at John F. Kennedy Airport. Journalists managed to visit there even before the official opening.

The size of the lounge is stunning: the space of more than 11 thousand square meters is divided into several zones. First and business class passengers will be able to visit the food court, gourmet restaurant, bar, lounge zone and year-round open terrace.

A mini spa center with six massage chairs is available for pre-flight relaxation. Showers are also available.

The construction of the lounge is part of the company's $1.5 billion investment in the airport.

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West Virginia Couple Adopted 5 Black Children to Enslave Them — Daily Mail

Donald Ray Lantz, 63, and Jean Kay Whitefeather, 62, a married couple from Charleston, West Virginia, have pleaded not guilty to several charges related to adopting five black children, ages 6 to 16, and forcing them to work on farmland.

Authorities discovered the children in a locked, old barn that lacked light, food, and running water. The only item inside was a CCTV camera. Whitefeather claimed the shed was a "club for teenagers" and insisted the children were not held against their will, asserting that they enjoyed being there.

However, a 16-year-old girl found in the shed reported that they were locked up for 12 hours and only given food in the morning. Additionally, 'open sores' were discovered on the legs of one of the boys.

The next hearing in the case is scheduled for September 9.

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PETA calls for an end to sex with meat-eating men — The Blaze

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (aka PETA) has released a statement calling for a "sex strike" against male meat-eaters.

PETA cites a study that found that in societies where men and women were given more freedom to choose their diet, men were much more likely to choose a meat-based diet than a vegan diet, while women were more open to choosing a vegan diet.

PETA said that "men are clearly spitting on the planet, contributing significantly more to climate catastrophe than women," and therefore urged people to stop having sexual relationships with meat-eating guys until they go vegan.

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Conservatives Push to Exclude Migrants from Voting in Elections — NYP

America First Legal (AFL) has sent letters to election board heads in all 50 states, urging them to prevent non-citizens from voting in upcoming elections.

The conservatives behind this initiative insist that voter lists be cross-checked with the Department of Homeland Security's database. They argue that if a voter is found to be a migrant, they should be denied registration.

America First Legal President Stephen Miller has accused the Biden administration of "directly attempting to sabotage the 2024 election through massive illegal voting by foreigners."

Federal law prohibits non-citizens from voting in elections. However, 59% of migrants receive benefits, making them eligible to vote, and in 12 states, migrants can obtain driver's licenses, which often leads to their inclusion on voter rolls.

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Driver blamed for crash that killed his pregnant wife — WVLT

Jonathon Jones, 20, of Luttrell, Tennessee, was driving a Nissan Sentra with his wife. Suddenly, he veered into the oncoming lane and crashed into a Ford Expedition.

Medics who arrived on the scene hospitalized five people who suffered varying degrees of injuries. But Jones' wife, 28-year-old Cassandra, unfortunately died along with the man's unborn child.

Also, another person involved in the crash, Virginia Brooks, died the next day.

The cause of the accident has not yet been determined, but eyewitnesses stated that the driver was driving extremely inadequately. He admitted to police officers that he smokes marijuana every day.

The charges against Jones carry a minimum of 45 years in prison and a maximum of 210 years.

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Tesla Issues Fourth Recall for Cybertruck Vehicles — CBS

Tesla has announced a recall of 11,000 Cybertruck vehicles due to two issues discovered by employees back in February.

The first issue involves a faulty controller in the windshield wiper motor. The second concerns insecurely attached body cladding that could detach while driving.

Tesla will replace the wiper motor and repair the trim at no cost to Cybertruck owners. Drivers will be notified on August 18.

Since the Cybertruck model went on sale on November 30, this marks the fourth recall due to various faults.

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Texas Abortion Ban Linked to Increased Infant Mortality — USA Today

According to a study published in JAMA Pediatrics, infant mortality in Texas rose by 12.9% after the state enacted a strict abortion ban in 2021, while the rest of the country experienced a 1.8% increase.

From 2021 to 2022, Texas' infant mortality rate increased by 8.3%, compared to a 2.2% increase in the rest of the U.S.

Nationally, infant deaths related to congenital anomalies or defects decreased by 3.1%, but in Texas, these deaths increased by 22.9%.

Specifically, between 2021 and 2022, the number of infant deaths in Texas rose from 1,985 to 2,240 per year.

Texas' abortion ban makes no exceptions for rape or when congenital abnormalities are discovered. Abortions are only permitted until a fetal heartbeat is detected or if the mother's life is in danger.

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⚡️U.S. Not Ready to Announce Evacuation Plans from Lebanon

U.S. State Department spokesman Matthew Miller stated that the United States is not currently prepared to announce any plans for the evacuation of American citizens from Lebanon. Additionally, there has been no official advisory for Americans to leave the country at this time. This statement comes amid rising tensions in the region, but the U.S. government is continuing to monitor the situation closely.

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TikTok is rolling out a new feature that allows users to upload photos to search for similar products in TikTok Shop

The feature is available in the US and Southeast Asia. TikTok already has a significant footprint in the search market and is now looking to attract more users to shop through its platform.

TikTok Shop currently has more than 15 million merchants worldwide.

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Yet another confirmation that cops in the United States don't mess around

In Indianapolis, residents of a neighborhood complained to police about Brandon Qualls, who was sitting on the porch of his house and waving a gun at people.

The cop who arrived on the call did not stand on ceremony: at the sight of the gun pointed at him, he ordered his hands in the air and then fired a series of shots.

Qualls died, and the police officer was placed on administrative leave while the incident was investigated.

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Dam Burst in Southern Minnesota — FOX

The Blue Earth River in Rapidan, Minnesota, has partially breached a 114-year-old dam. Authorities report that although the dam's partial breach poses a significant risk, there are currently no plans for a mass evacuation. All individuals in immediate danger have been notified. Emergency response teams are monitoring the situation closely and taking necessary precautions to ensure public safety.

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The founder of WikiLeaks, who published many secret documents about US involvement in wars in the Middle East, has struck a deal that will allow him to avoid a US prison sentence — BBC

Julian Assange, the Australian journalist and founder of WikiLeaks, has struck a plea bargain with the US Justice Department that will see him released. Prosecutors will seek a 62-month sentence, equal to the time Assange served in a maximum-security London prison while he fought extradition to the US.

His website WikiLeaks in 2010 released numerous documents about US involvement in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, which included evidence of possible war crimes.

One of the most famous of these files was a video from a US military helicopter that, flying over Baghdad, shot more than a dozen Iraqi civilians, including 2 Reuters reporters.

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The public could learn as early as this week who Trump has chosen to be his vice presidential nominee — FOX

Donald Trump has decided on a vice presidential nominee for his eventual administration, but says none of his confidants know who that person is - not even the candidate himself.

Trump announced that his chosen person will "most likely" be attending his debate with Joe Biden, which will take place this Thursday.

However, Trump has made it clear that he will not announce the name of his vice presidential nominee until the Republican Party's National Convention, scheduled for July 15 at the earliest.

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