بســـم اللــه الرحــمــن الـرحـــيــم
▪️How does a woman go about repaying her missed fasts if she encounters consecutive pregnancies and has to suckle her infant in between that?▪️
Our Shaykh, Muḥammad ibn Ḥizām -may Allāh preserve him- was asked the following question:
📩 Question:
In the situation of a woman who is pregnant during one Ramaḍhān, and in the following Ramaḍhān breastfeeds her newborn child, what is upon her with regards to repaying back her missed fasts?
📝 Answer:
She makes up for these fasts as soon as Allāh gives her the strength to do so. As soon as she is able to, she makes up for them. This debt remains with her until she pays them back, even if that goes on for years. If she finds herself in this same situation for years and the days pile up, and she weakens (with age) and is unable to pay them back or finds great difficulty in doing so then she should feed a poor person for every missed day; as her situation in this case resembles that of the elderly who is unable to fast. If she is able to repay the missed days by distributing them and fasting a day or two each week until she makes up for all of them, she should do so. But if that's too difficult then she feeds a poor person for each missed day.
Translated by:
Abū ‘Abdillāh ‘Abbās Ibn ‘Umar Al-Ḥātimī
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Original Fatwa:
I (Muḥammad Ibn Aḥmad) asked the Sheikh if feeding the poor is wājib in the above case, to which he responded (paraphrasing): No, it's from the angle of recommendation.
▪️How does a woman go about repaying her missed fasts if she encounters consecutive pregnancies and has to suckle her infant in between that?▪️
Our Shaykh, Muḥammad ibn Ḥizām -may Allāh preserve him- was asked the following question:
📩 Question:
In the situation of a woman who is pregnant during one Ramaḍhān, and in the following Ramaḍhān breastfeeds her newborn child, what is upon her with regards to repaying back her missed fasts?
📝 Answer:
She makes up for these fasts as soon as Allāh gives her the strength to do so. As soon as she is able to, she makes up for them. This debt remains with her until she pays them back, even if that goes on for years. If she finds herself in this same situation for years and the days pile up, and she weakens (with age) and is unable to pay them back or finds great difficulty in doing so then she should feed a poor person for every missed day; as her situation in this case resembles that of the elderly who is unable to fast. If she is able to repay the missed days by distributing them and fasting a day or two each week until she makes up for all of them, she should do so. But if that's too difficult then she feeds a poor person for each missed day.
Translated by:
Abū ‘Abdillāh ‘Abbās Ibn ‘Umar Al-Ḥātimī
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Original Fatwa:
I (Muḥammad Ibn Aḥmad) asked the Sheikh if feeding the poor is wājib in the above case, to which he responded (paraphrasing): No, it's from the angle of recommendation.