Turkey 🇹🇷 Islam ☪️ Human Right Fact Check Part 4
Part 2 https://t.me/IsraelWarWomenRights/148
Where Europe stands on gay marriage and civil unions https://perma.cc/SV56-V2WC
The three countries at the other end of the Rainbow Europe scale are Azerbaijan (2%), Turkey (4%), and Armenia (9%), exactly the same as the last three years. Among them, only Armenia increased an index point after revoking its ban on blood donations from men who have sex with men.
Spain, Iceland, Finland, Moldova, Switzerland, and Croatia are the countries with the biggest jump in scores https://perma.cc/G3H2-UHL9
Without forget things related to the death sentence applied with 💩
Turkey abolished the death penalty through Law No. 5170 on 7 May 2004 following a long period of struggle removing it all together from its legislation including Articles 17 and 38 of its Constitution https://perma.cc/T6F8-CBL6
But remember the problem is NOT the death sentence, but how 💩 some countries do such death sentence
Death penalty should come back in Europe 🇪🇺 and the whole world! but using brain 🧠 and facts, not discrimination and personal interests ...
Death sentence IS AN HUMAN RIGHT! and not an abuse of human rights. The human right of the population to live in safety free of serious criminals!
👌As Turkey is located in the intersection point of Asia, Europe and Africa and Turkey is a bridge between economically and politically underdeveloped states and rich Western countries, irregular migrants consider Turkey as a transit route https://perma.cc/PWJ3-JFHP
Turkey builds a border wall to stop refugees https://perma.cc/X58Y-MCXE
Illegal migration is a crime, not a right!
Part 2 https://t.me/IsraelWarWomenRights/148
Where Europe stands on gay marriage and civil unions https://perma.cc/SV56-V2WC
The three countries at the other end of the Rainbow Europe scale are Azerbaijan (2%), Turkey (4%), and Armenia (9%), exactly the same as the last three years. Among them, only Armenia increased an index point after revoking its ban on blood donations from men who have sex with men.
Spain, Iceland, Finland, Moldova, Switzerland, and Croatia are the countries with the biggest jump in scores https://perma.cc/G3H2-UHL9
Without forget things related to the death sentence applied with 💩
Turkey abolished the death penalty through Law No. 5170 on 7 May 2004 following a long period of struggle removing it all together from its legislation including Articles 17 and 38 of its Constitution https://perma.cc/T6F8-CBL6
But remember the problem is NOT the death sentence, but how 💩 some countries do such death sentence
Death penalty should come back in Europe 🇪🇺 and the whole world! but using brain 🧠 and facts, not discrimination and personal interests ...
Death sentence IS AN HUMAN RIGHT! and not an abuse of human rights. The human right of the population to live in safety free of serious criminals!
👌As Turkey is located in the intersection point of Asia, Europe and Africa and Turkey is a bridge between economically and politically underdeveloped states and rich Western countries, irregular migrants consider Turkey as a transit route https://perma.cc/PWJ3-JFHP
Turkey builds a border wall to stop refugees https://perma.cc/X58Y-MCXE
Illegal migration is a crime, not a right!