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Demolishing this realm con his blast of falsehood. Deceleratly, every fellow would be paralyzed inasmuch as his falsehood. The set of messages disseminated so fast make everyone was hypnotized by it; @Quaeritates @Nmvth.

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Janu not allowed.

Jangan sksd sama Kahiyang, gua pukul lo.

Aku admin.

Loh, bisa ngetik.

Baru kali ini malu jadi bapaknya Janu. 🧎

Репост из: Kingdom.
T.me/Quaeritates as Bpk tua yg primadona stu kampung

Yo wasap, fesbuk, ig, line, telegram, kenalin ini bpk tua saya, bpk Drake yg menjadi primadona se kampung karena muka nya bule lokal banget. Bapak tua saya ini orangnya kalem banget, berwibawa juga. Tapi kalo di rumah, dahlah gak dl pak. Bapak saya ini ganteng gais, baby face gt, nurun ke saya. Udah deh dia kalo pagi-pagi ngopi di teras, suka banyak yg centil in dia. Bpk sy juga ngeladenin, ya yaudah lah. Byasalah 🐊, brcnd pak, sy mau uang jajan y. Mksie.

Репост из: Secret Angel
⚠️ HELP FW ⚠️
hi buat yang keep @shinryiujien bisa kembaliin ke @shinryiujiin atau ke bot @jieerra_bot. usn nya pernah dipakai rainey sebelum deac, dia lupa keep kalo mau bukti usn pernah dipakai rainey ada banyak, thanks a lot.

Репост из: Traitor.
HELP FW ‼️‼️

moots, usn aye yg @irYeri dicolong orang, barusan dibilang di gc karena mau dikeep, pas mau dikeep ternyata langsung dicolong orang lain, kalo kamu liat ini tolong balikin ya. that's not yours. moots yg berbaik hati boleh bantu fw dan pasang dn + subs ch nya? thank you so much, kalau mau balikin bisa ke @alyeandrabot & @heejiund

Репост из: B!tter$weet 💭
moots can you help me fw pesan ini::( hii siapapun yang keep @takatasora boleh balikin ke aku ga? itu usn yang baru aku pake ada buktinya juga:(( aku tadi mau keep tapi ternyata limit yaudah aku tunggu:( pas mau keep udah keduluan kamu:(( sekiranya kamu berkenan boleh tolong balikin ke @mjiso ga:(( emang ga seberapa cuma aku sayang usnnya:(

Репост из: MOONL!T TEEN$
Wassup beautiful souls out there, it's 𝗠𝗢𝗢𝗡𝗟𝗶𝗧 𝗧𝗘𝗘𝗡𝗦! and now, we're calling out all Karina Yoo and Jeno Lee roleplayers to join us, if you're the one we're looking for please read all the rules below before you join us, read it carefully, Folks!

🛸. Using Aespa Karina or Nct Jeno as your fixed muse, we don't accept multi character and make sure you're not in a labile situation.
🛰. We're accepting all types of roleplayers but silent reader, can't keep our secrets, two faces, spy or clone account is strictly prohibited.
🔭. Make sure you don't have any intention to deactive your account or hiatus in near future. Be active, We need your existence.

That's all from us, also we're really need someone who is loud, crackhead and good at enliven the groupchats. Please contact our 🌑 if you're interested to join, see ya!

Once upon a time in the 16th century.
Leviathan haply, is marry a cruel and vile demon ‘i hell and the abyss that hath no way out to get aroint from these two things. E’en when the grim reaper wanted to take the lives of many humans ‘i this orb to be brought to the bridge ‘twixt good and ill destiny, they aye screamed ‘i fear. Screaming ‘i fear at the cruelty of a bridge guard. Ay, Leviathan. All beings obey him. From demons to demons, they submit to him. The accomplice of Lucifer whom canst not be resisted when Leviathan hath quoth his arguments. Yet what would befall if there was a story and prate that was known from ear to ear of the inhabitants of hell; that the creature disobeyed the leviathan’s decrees? True, there is this story and this story is not an illusion—but mortal.

As explained earlier, the abyss and hell hast endless cruelty because the king is Leviathan. Yet one of the hellish beings opposes him so he leave this orb. He summoned the humans with his demonic protals which emitted the circular star-shaped mark. Forcing ‘em to compose a pact to get him out of this damn orb. O, not free of course. About the wealth of the Beelzebub, of course, granted with an arrant agreement ‘twixt the two of ‘em. Yet alas, Leviathan saw the agreement and was furious. Leviathan restrained their initial steps to wreak great havoc ‘i the unseen realm. Lucifer's accomplice kills him; the hell creature and causes him reincarnated into a cruel, arrogant and dangerous creature. Hellhound, the name. Resurrected to become a dog man with coarse and black fur with a hint of hellfire disguised as a villager and might not but be watched out for.

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Hey, if you want to be friends with me, please tap 🐺 because I don’t bite at all and I’m not a cannibal.

📝 Kindly drop your first impression towards me (@Quaeritates).

👤 cute

👤 drake alay mcm jjkp tp kren oke slmt datang gws

👤 ank anh

👤 ganteng 😍😍😍 tp nyebelin jelek tkg ghosting tkg php 👎🏻

👤 cool and kinda intimidating

👤 Dari luar kucing garong, dalemnya hello kitty

👤 Ganteng.

👤 seremm T___T but still seems friendly and cooool

👤 Cool af 🥶🥶

👤 kece bgt, handsome, kinda intimidating but cute in the same time

👤 idk but you look so classy

👤 Seems cool n attractive

👤 seems nice and friendly :D

👤 cool?

👤 cool and kinda scary 😟😟

👤 seems intimidating but lowkey you're cool 🔥

👤 You're hawt bro

👤 Respectfully, step on me.

👤 Kok kamu keren? 🧐

👤 attractive ngl

👤 coolest!

👤 cool trus keliatan nya galak gt

👤 unyu unyu

👤 Keceee

👤 Cool xD

👤 ganteeengg, cool but kinda intimidating

👤 cool af

👤 Cool, looks intimidating at first :c

👤 Dj Drake keren bgt ganteng bgt lakik bgt! 🤍


👤 intimidating and cool

👤 kinda intimidating :(

👤 seems weird but lowkey attractive

👤 idk what my fi to u for real, but i think u a good guy? yea i think

👤 cool & interesting

👤 Seems like cool and intimidating at first, but beside that warm person ig? Idk you yet Drake.

👤 Seems intimidating and fierce :D

👤 tf so cool attractive hahaha and maybe cutee!

👤 Kamu keren banget

👤 Dang, cool 🔥

👤 Kinda intimidating but you seem cool, attractive, and friendly at the same time

👤 cool guy

👤 Serem tapi kece

👤 Cute

👤 kinda intimidating but you’re so cool

👤 Seems cool


👤 cool

👤 cool, ayok hmu g

👤 sumpa mau tmenan, apa boleh?

👤 keren, keliatannya asik sih ini

👤 cool

👤 COOL, kecee keliatan nya friendly & humble deh


👤 HOT ANDDD COOL AF, shall we b friennddd? :]

👤 seems like a fun person

👤 cool

👤 cool af bro, kinda intimidating tp aslinya kagak jelass


👤 Cool af tp ternyata u ank aneh ya Allah


👤 kinda scary but cool

👤 cool


👤 hottttttt


👤 cool, intimidating :///

👤 dangg you're so cool dude

👤 Dumb. 👍🏻👍🏻

👤 Cool n attractive.

👤 cool😧😧


👤 Cool

👤 Kerennn

👤 cool, and intimidating 😲

👤 cakep.

👤 cool, intimidating hurrr 🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶 GALAK ++++

👤 LAKIK! 🥵🥵

👤 serem. Tapi keren👍🏻

👤 seems friendly but kinda intimidating

👤 Hot and attractive 👍

👤 be my bf pls 😫

👤 Cool

👤 keliatan gak ramah tp ternyata kocak dan oon gitu

👤 So scary :D

👤 serem ehe


👤 seggc

👤 vampire serem pengisap blood

👤 cool af 🤟🏻

👤 Hot af. 🥵

👤 cutie🥺

👤 kece banget, bf material ig 😶

👤 DIKIRA SEREM T___T taunya lucu, selera humornya pun rendah cem me :D

👤 Cakep bgt Drake. Sumpah gua ga boong. 😞

👥 95 people have voted so far.
📖 Anonymous Board

Репост из: Unspoken.
WARNING: Inferno is so terrifying, so full of embers that will strike down every creature sinner who lies there. Not with a man born like a human, full of solitude. His life is as wild as most dogs, making himself a hideous and pathetic figure descending from a hot misery. The man is him; a hot figure rules every boulevard full of darkness. A man who was born from misery and came down to cosmos. Most of his life felt like hell, and like a ferocious wild dog.

[💀] This is Half of Dog.ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ

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#HIMSELF. Half of Dog.

Your master, Gideon D. Adamson.

Demolishing this realm con his blast of falsehood. Deceleratly, every fellow would be paralyzed inasmuch as his falsehood. The misleading propaganda disseminated so swiftly. The set of messages disseminated so fast make everyone was hypnotized by it. All of the masses that trust his mislead propaganda to make its strength for him. This world in perilous, everyone turns into as malicious soul, hatred, ruction, rampant this world because of him.

Do not delude by his looks. He’s the firehose of falsehood makers. The beautiful looks that he has, not beautiful as his heart. A sinister soul, with the aptitude to make falsehood, then pit everyone against each other. The troublemaker. A person one that never satisfied. Do not closer to him or you will be in noxious. Do not fooled, do not faith him. Truly, he so delineates a monster.ㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤ

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