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Remember, next time you want to go to a festival, don't go in countries with terrorism!
🇳🇱, leading festival country worldwide, almost no death due to festivals, except few "indirect" reports like https://perma.cc/V36J-CZB3 https://perma.cc/B6ZE-MKF2 https://perma.cc/5VLM-4VZS
🇳🇱, one of the most safe country with people that respect other people! https://perma.cc/NGN7-ZAGQ https://perma.cc/6H69-YVXE https://perma.cc/K34K-DSGT even if this depends from which stats you are looking https://perma.cc/XTC3-MZXA
🇮🇱🇵🇸? List of massacres in Israel https://perma.cc/SWL2-29NK
Comprehensive Listing of Terrorism Victims in Israel https://perma.cc/4B5U-5XRQ
Rocket & Mortar Attacks Against Israel by Date https://perma.cc/5VLT-MP85
Number of Terrorism Fatalities in Israel https://perma.cc/H8S6-3BE4
Wave of Terror 2015-2023 https://perma.cc/9QFX-S69Y
Israeli-Palestinian Fatalities Since 2000 https://perma.cc/6NAH-R8VH
Israel: 50 Years of Occupation Abuses https://perma.cc/6FQL-XVMH
Saying sorry when is too late and things happend is not a fix
So no matter how tragic and terroristic it was (without any discussion this was huge tragic!!!), remember that people still have the last decision "do i really want to go in such countries yes or no?" If yes, take your responsibility. Now we say that more in general.
What we want to say with that? Next time think twice before you visit a specific country or you do something. No matter which topic, using the brain and checking facts is the first thing people need to do before doing something.
Because even asking the country "to fix your errors" by paying mio of $ is not correct.
Example 1997-1999: 5k - 145k was paid for their liberation for each person (1094 civilians)
The exactly same thing happens for journalists. They know exactly that they can die during their reportages! It's their choice to say "yes, i agree for this job"
🇳🇱, leading festival country worldwide, almost no death due to festivals, except few "indirect" reports like https://perma.cc/V36J-CZB3 https://perma.cc/B6ZE-MKF2 https://perma.cc/5VLM-4VZS
🇳🇱, one of the most safe country with people that respect other people! https://perma.cc/NGN7-ZAGQ https://perma.cc/6H69-YVXE https://perma.cc/K34K-DSGT even if this depends from which stats you are looking https://perma.cc/XTC3-MZXA
🇮🇱🇵🇸? List of massacres in Israel https://perma.cc/SWL2-29NK
Comprehensive Listing of Terrorism Victims in Israel https://perma.cc/4B5U-5XRQ
Rocket & Mortar Attacks Against Israel by Date https://perma.cc/5VLT-MP85
Number of Terrorism Fatalities in Israel https://perma.cc/H8S6-3BE4
Wave of Terror 2015-2023 https://perma.cc/9QFX-S69Y
Israeli-Palestinian Fatalities Since 2000 https://perma.cc/6NAH-R8VH
Israel: 50 Years of Occupation Abuses https://perma.cc/6FQL-XVMH
Saying sorry when is too late and things happend is not a fix
So no matter how tragic and terroristic it was (without any discussion this was huge tragic!!!), remember that people still have the last decision "do i really want to go in such countries yes or no?" If yes, take your responsibility. Now we say that more in general.
What we want to say with that? Next time think twice before you visit a specific country or you do something. No matter which topic, using the brain and checking facts is the first thing people need to do before doing something.
Because even asking the country "to fix your errors" by paying mio of $ is not correct.
Example 1997-1999: 5k - 145k was paid for their liberation for each person (1094 civilians)
The exactly same thing happens for journalists. They know exactly that they can die during their reportages! It's their choice to say "yes, i agree for this job"