Kurdish Front News

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Категория: Политика

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Ирак, Английский
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The sounds of explosions heard around the city of Tabqa are due to ongoing training for several days by the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), and are not Turkish shelling as channels affiliated with Turkey backed mercenaries claim.


Репост из: Kurdish Front Reports
Moments ago the Turkish occupation airforce carried out bombings on PKK guerrillas positions near deraluk city north of Duhok, violating the ceasefire terms declared by the PKK.


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Civilians found barrels containing weapons and ammunition buried in the southern Deir Ezzor desert.

The weapons are believed to be belonging to ISIS terrorists.


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HTS have captured the entrance to Jaramanah city and the environment in the city is calm now.


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Convoys of HTS were sent to Jaramana to fight Druze people.


Three grenade explosions were heard in the Mazzeh area of the capital, Damascus, Syria followed by the sounds of heavy gunfire.


This news is fake.

The PKK never stated that they would “lay down arms.” In response to Öcalan’s call for a peace process, The PKK declared a ceasefire. However, the PKK maintains that disarmament cannot be ordered without Öcalan’s physical presence within the organization.

Please stay away from channels and pages that spread misinformation.

eyes on @KurdishFrontNews for accurate and reliable news.


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The newly formed Sweida Military Council announces the mobilization of all its units to head to Jaramana to fight the HTS militants and protect Druze people.


The Public Internal Security of HTS gives the Druze factions 5 days to lay down their arms and surrender those who clashed with them.


Suwaida Military Council announced full mobilization against HTS threats on Druze people.


HTS retreats from storming the Jaramana area south of Damascus after receiving threats from Israel.


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Druze fighters in Jarmana dance with a high morale as they defend their village from HTS militants.


Israel Katz, Israeli Defense Minister:

"We instructed the IDF to prepare and deliver a sharp and clear warning message: If the regime harms the Druze, it will be harmed by us. We are committed to our Druze brothers in Israel to do everything to prevent harm to their Druze brothers in Syria, and we will take all necessary steps to maintain their security."


Scenes from Jaramana, south of Damascus, Syria.

Druze factions in Jaramana declare general mobilization against the Syrian HTS government.


An International Coalition convoy loaded with construction materials enters the city of Raqqa.


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SDF fighters of the Raqqa Military Council on the battle fronts in Ain Issa congratulate people and the Islamic world on the advent of the holy month of Ramadan.

In their message they wish for security and safety to people of North East Syria [SDF territory].


SDF wishes Happy Ramadan to Muslims of the world.


The International Coalition Forces commend the joint training between SDF and the coalition in Raqqa, which took place yesterday, Friday, where the commando forces performed successful exercises in raiding and pursuing terrorist cells.


Репост из: Kurdish Front Reports
The PKK has expressed its initiative to begin a new peace process in the Kurdish-Turkish conflict, also emphasizing that this does not involve disarmament.

"It is clear that with this call, a new historical process has begun in Kurdistan and the Middle East. This will also have a major impact on the development of free life and democratic governance around the world. On this basis, the responsibility belongs to all of us; everyone must embrace their duties and responsibilities and fulfill their obligations."

In this context, we are declaring a ceasefire effective today to pave the way for the implementation of Leader Apo's Call for Peace and a Democratic Society. None of our forces will take armed action unless they are attacked. Furthermore, only Leader Apo's practical leadership can make matters such as laying down arms practical."


Turkish occupation left some of its points in Idlib, Syria.

Turkish intelligence (MIT) lifts its hand from the military police branches in the Euphrates Shield and Olive Branch areas in Syria in favor of the General Security Service of HTS Syrian government.


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