Greetings Reflecting & Observant Warriors!
You’ll find all pertinent Mastering Mercury Retrograde for 2025 “need to knows” to mark out your schedules. We will experience 3 differnet Mercury Retrograde during 2025 as is explained.
Additional go-tos are equally within for further information concerning the ongoing Mars Retrograde Corrective Shadow, 23 February to 02 May and our now currently ongoing Venus Retrograde in affect 01 March to 12 April.
Our next Mercury Retrograde will span within the Venus Rx cycle from 15 March to 07 April, when the “dual run” will be the most intense to be ever aware and seek our ultinate discernment concerning all curernt events, news drops, and the like.
As you have probably been watching the past 2 days alone, the stock market is dropping. This is distinctly one of the many energetics of what the Venus Retrograde information alone will educate you on concerning money, values, finances, relationships and all luxury matters across the board.
You’ll see on the right side column, the click throughs for both Mars Retrograde and Venus Retrograde critical information seeks for us to consciously understand in the current collective forecasting beyond what this post’s link provides for the Mercury Rx. It has a go to podcast for all the “Mercury Retrograde rules of thumb” and how whenver this reflective cycle when it pulls in, cause those natural human errors, need for backup plans and especially for what moving past mid March dictates: why “moving forward for future success” is highly unadvised.
Any questions needing “chimping it down” further, please reach out and never hesitate to ask them! 🌟💫