thē Minju

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A place from which one's strength is drawn, where one feels at home; the place where you are your most authentic self. @Afphrodie

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ㅤㅤㅤㅤ 𝐀 few years ago, on 1 - August - 2000, a prettiest girl was born with beautiful eyes and a beautiful personality. At that time no one knew that the little girl had now turned into a mature and precious beauty, Kim Chaewon.

ㅤㅤㅤㅤ 𝐇appy birthday Kim Chaewon, all best wishes for you. And I wish you to be the happiest person for today and forever. I hope you are never lose your smile.

ㅤㅤㅤㅤ 𝐀nd, happy birthday thoo for Kim Chaewon rp ers. Especially, Sharin, Chloe, Sorayya, Zeava, Celeste, Shabina, Chouwie, Shadeline, Calasya, Ranum, Shavela, Jingga, Tjoelin, Ashe, Elena, Indomie, Gistara, Maeva, Mouren, Chavira, Kaylee, Kanez.

𝐎nce again, happy birthday && great birthday wishes for you Chaewon! ♡♡

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I love you with a deeper love than any human heart has ever known. I love you with a soul that has lived a thousand lifetimes, always waiting to met you again. So i can promise to be yours forever

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Sometimes we get so caught up in life tnat we forget we don't always have to be busy; we don't always need to be checking our email or rushing to be next thing. We need to remind ourselves that it's okay—and absolutely necessary— to slow it a down. To take a break and enjoy nature. To turn off the tv and simply be together 😴😴. To enjoy a game of cards. To ask our fam && friends what they're wondering about. To watch the sunrise. To enjoy the smell of a burning candle 🕯 .. We must never forget to enjoy the little things because they are never as little we think.

ily narez

The silence after the rain... how quickly the sky pulls herself together

You've got to ask yourself, what you're living for, who you're living for, and if none of those answer begin with you then you're living your life wrong. You're living a lie. Everything you do should revolve around you. Every person, every place, ever moment should start and end with you. This is your life and you shouldn't spend it dull the things, in people who don't understand the type of love you carry within your bones. Because you only live once and its your job to make it count. So let everyday be yours, own it and never apologize for being who you are.

Tomorrow is not promised. Not a single second or minute, is. So, live for today. Keep the promises you make. Take action on yhe things you desire and need. Remind those that matter to you that they are loved and you are grateful for them. Never leave someone you care about on negative terms. Give more than you take. Make the calls you've been telling yourself you'll do 'Tomorrow'. Let the small shit go. Never go to bed angry. We will all die one day, so learn to live each day with the promise to yourself that it'll be better than yesterday

What if i read to you a story?
Starting ; "Once Upon A Time"

And you realised that it was your life. Spelt out on every line. Would you hear my voice with wonder? As it brushed across each word. And pray my arms had to strength to hold the truth about your world.

Would your view on life be different? And would it shock you most to find. That the things you thought defined you, could be summed up in just two lines. And all the ones you took for granted. The ins and outs of everyday. Play a bigger part in who you are, than you'd ever dared to say.

Would you wonder at the pagest left? And all the places that they'll lead. Then vow to make each moment.

One that you'd be proud to read, because there is a story of your life. But it's you that holds the pen. And i hope you fill the pages right, before you reach the end

ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ 𝐖hen all small children prefer to stay at home and play with their fams. But this girl didn't, she chose to explore the garden and plant flowers there. Don't know what made her like flowers. But for her flowers are the most important thing in her life

ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ 𝐅or her the flower is like her life, because in time the petals will fall. Just like life, slowly in time the people her loves will go no matter who and when he doesn't know.

ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ 𝐖hen everyone left her, she was not sad because there were flowers that accompanied her always and everywhere, and that flower girl was, Sazara Levairelle 𝓐moure

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