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10 great Python packages for Data Science not known to many:

1️⃣ CleanLab

Cleanlab helps you clean data and labels by automatically detecting issues in a ML dataset.

2️⃣ LazyPredict

A Python library that enables you to train, test, and evaluate multiple ML models at once using just a few lines of code.

3️⃣ Lux

A Python library for quickly visualizing and analyzing data, providing an easy and efficient way to explore data.

4️⃣ PyForest

A time-saving tool that helps in importing all the necessary data science libraries and functions with a single line of code.

5️⃣ PivotTableJS

PivotTableJS lets you interactively analyse your data in Jupyter Notebooks without any code 🔥

6️⃣ Drawdata

Drawdata is a python library that allows you to draw a 2-D dataset of any shape in a Jupyter Notebook.

7️⃣ black

The Uncompromising Code Formatter

8️⃣ PyCaret

An open-source, low-code machine learning library in Python that automates the machine learning workflow.

9️⃣ PyTorch-Lightning by LightningAI

Streamlines your model training, automates boilerplate code, and lets you focus on what matters: research & innovation.

🔟 Streamlit

A framework for creating web applications for data science and machine learning projects, allowing for easy and interactive data viz & model deployment.

📱Learn Python
📱Machine Learning and AI Foundations: Advanced Decision Trees with KNIME

🔅 Machine Learning and AI Foundations: Advanced Decision Trees with KNIME

🌐 Author: Keith McCormick
🔰 Level: Advanced

Duration: 1h 33m

🌀 Learn to go beyond the basic decision tree algorithms in KNIME by accessing WEKA, R, and Python-based decision tree and rule induction algorithms from within the KNIME platform.

📗 Topics: Decision Trees, Knime, Machine Learning

📤 Join Learn Python for more courses

🔰 Bargraph in Python

⌨️ File Handling in Python

🔰 Text to speech using Python

🔰 Check for Palindromes with Python 🔰

📜 This Python program checks if a given word or phrase is a palindrome (reads the same backward as forward)!

def is_palindrome(text):
clean_text = ''.join(char.lower() for char in text if char.isalnum())
return clean_text == clean_text[::-1]

text = "A man, a plan, a canal: Panama"
print("Is Palindrome:", is_palindrome(text))

Example Output:
Is Palindrome: True

🔗 Learn More Here

🟠 Question 3: Which statement below is incorrect?
  •   857.25 is a Float
  •   "False" is a Boolean
  •   932 is an Integer
  •   "523" is a String
92 голосов

🔵 Question 2: I've put a spell on you. You are now a computer. If I give you the following code, what will you print out? street_name = "Abbey Road" print(street_name[4] + street_name[7])
  •   ya
  •   en
  •   eR
  •   yo
81 голосов

🟢 Question 1: What is the data type of the mystery variable? mystery = 734_529.678
  •   String
  •   Qurtle
  •   Float
  •   Float
89 голосов

🔰 7 Baby steps to learn Python:

1. Learn the basics: Start with the fundamentals of Python programming language, such as data types, variables, operators, control structures, and functions.

2. Write simple programs: Start writing simple programs to practice what you have learned. Start with small programs that solve basic problems, such as calculating the factorial of a number, checking whether a number is prime or not, or finding the sum of a sequence of numbers.

3. Work on small projects: Start working on small projects that interest you. These can be simple projects, such as creating a calculator, building a basic game, or automating a task. By working on small projects, you can develop your programming skills and gain confidence.

4. Learn from other people's code: Look at other people's code and try to understand how it works. You can find many open-source projects on platforms like GitHub. Analyze the code, see how it's structured, and try to figure out how the program works.

5. Read Python documentation: Python has extensive documentation, which is very helpful for beginners. Read the documentation to learn more about Python libraries, modules, and functions.

6. Participate in online communities: Participate in online communities like StackOverflow, Reddit, or Python forums. These communities have experienced programmers who can help you with your doubts and questions.

7. Keep practicing:
Practice is the key to becoming a good programmer. Keep working on projects, practicing coding problems, and experimenting with different techniques. The more you practice, the better you'll get.

Best Resource to learn Python @LearnPython3

🔅 More Python Tips, Tricks, and Techniques for Data Science

🌐 Author: Harshit Tyagi
🔰 Level: Intermediate

Duration: 2h 15m

🌀 Deliver valuable insights to your users with Python. Get practical tips and techniques that can help you enhance your Python data science workflow.

📗 Topics: Data Science, Python

📤 Join Data Analysis and Databases for more courses

🔅 Faster pandas

🌐 Author: Miki Tebeka
🔰 Level: Advanced

Duration: 1h 24m

🌀 Learn how to make your pandas code quicker and more efficient. This course covers vectorization, common mistakes, pandas performance, saving memory, Numba, Cython, and more.

📗 Topics: Pandas

📤 Join Learn Python for more courses

Показано 18 последних публикаций.