Lily's wonderland ✨🌿

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"If it makes you happy, it doesn't have to make sense to others."

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Because that's the latest sad song my dear "J " recommended :))

چون خیلی بهش کم توجه شده

Репост из: Sky Devil
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The Hunger Games || Mockingjay

آهنگِ صحنه اولِ قسمتِ اولِ فصلِ اولِ لوسیفر 😎😈🤘

خب ، شت همین الان فهمیدم کتاب قلعه متحرک هاول اولین کتاب یه سه گانه س ... 🚶🏻‍♀🚶🏻‍♀

6)There’s always something left to lose.

5)Nice things don’t happen in storybooks,” Taryn says. “Or when they do happen, something bad happens next. Because otherwise the story would be boring, and no one would read it."

4)I am going to keep on defying you. I am going to shame you with my defiance. You remind me that I am a mere mortal and you are a prince of Faerie. Well, let me remind you that means you have much to lose and I have nothing. You may win in the end, you may ensorcell me and hurt me and humiliate me, but I will make sure you lose everything I can take from you on the way down. I promise you this is the least of what I can do.

3) What could I become if I stopped worrying about death, about pain, about anything? If I stopped trying to belong? Instead of being afraid, I could become something to fear.

2)If you hurt me, I wouldn't cry. I would hurt you back.

My favorite #cruel_prince quotes

1)If I cannot be better than them, I will become so much worse.

The definition of ✨majestic ✨

چند فن آرت چشم نواز ببینیم جیگرمون حال بیاد ✨❤️

#cruel_prince Playlist
Part 3

I broke your jaw once before
I spilled your blood upon the floor
You broke my leg in return
So sit back and watch the bed burn

'Cause I got some goals in mind
And you're in my way

Показано 20 последних публикаций.


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