I have more to share about pornography. The next realization I had cut deep, and was the final straw, or started the awakening phase for me. I’m not ready to go there yet.
Let’s take a step back today. ☀️
Sex Trafficking. What can it look like?
It can look like your neighbor with the great career and beautiful lawn jumping on Craigs List over his/her lunch hour and replying to an ad. They know what to look for. The code word used to be “Rose.” 🌹
Your neighbor travels to the hotel/motel, meets the victim at his/her room, pays for sex, tucks in their shirt and heads back to work.
That evening, he/she has burgers 🍔 on the grill and waves at you as you pull in your driveway. 🏡
Anyone familiar with other code words? ✨
Let’s take a step back today. ☀️
Sex Trafficking. What can it look like?
It can look like your neighbor with the great career and beautiful lawn jumping on Craigs List over his/her lunch hour and replying to an ad. They know what to look for. The code word used to be “Rose.” 🌹
Your neighbor travels to the hotel/motel, meets the victim at his/her room, pays for sex, tucks in their shirt and heads back to work.
That evening, he/she has burgers 🍔 on the grill and waves at you as you pull in your driveway. 🏡
Anyone familiar with other code words? ✨