🟡MCQ Medicine💊..

Гео и язык канала: не указан, не указан
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💙MCQs for medical students 💙

Group of discussions
👉 for suggestions


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Гео и язык канала
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هنا تجدوا التفائل والتحفيز والأبداع✨💙
عبارات وصور تحفيزية عن الطب🌸
معاً الى التفوق والإبداع 💚🍃
معاً الى تحقيق أحلامنا 💜

🔵لسته مملكة الطب،لدعم القنوات الطبيه والتحفيزيه 1k🌀
📌دعم فردي أعلى اللسته كل يوم قناة
📌وقت اللسته(نشر وحذف تلقائي،تجديد مره واحده،♻️تثبيت ساعه بدون نشر)
💠تعويض النقص
من 2 ظهر-12ليل /من الأحد للخميس.

البايو اختبار نهائي نوال الحنحنة.pdf

د نوال الحنحنة - جامعة صنعاء

-Name a disease caused by amino acid deficiency ?
-Talk about Regulation of reactions in general ?
-Talk about lipoprotein kinds, components and sight of synthesis ?
-Talk about lipids digestion and absorption ?
-How do emulsification works on lipids ?
-Regulation of carbohydrate metabolism ?
-Glucagon sight of synthesis ?
-Do all cells need glucose ? What cells are not sensitive to glucose ?

- When glycolysis give 6 ATP and when give 8 ATP ? Why ?
- Talk about digestion and absorption of lipid ?
- What is chylomicrons ?
- How emulsification occurs ?
- What is the role of bile in lipid digestion and absorption ?
- Is there type of lipid absorbed without need of enzymes or transprter ?
- What is micelle ?
- What are the types of lipoprotein ? and where they are synthesised ?
- Define homeostasis ?

-Lipid absorption
-Types of lipoprotein
-Mechanism of function of isulin
-Vit D site of syntheses and effect of defecincy
-Number of ATP from glycolysis .

1-causes of glomulor nephritis ?
2-machanism of digestion and absorpation of protein?
3-why glycolysis in araobic state give 6 or 8 ATP?
IS RBCs use insulin in glycolysis?
4-absorption of carbohydrate?
-Important of kreb's cycle?
-What are fat soluble vitamins??
-Functions of vitamine A and K??
-Which disease has proteinuria ? and which kind of protein find in urine? ?
-What's chylomicron ?
-What's micelles??
-What"s lipoprotein? ?and what are kinds ???

-function of Krebs cycle
-fat soluble vitamins
-function of vitamin E
-importance of antioxidants
-what's free radical
-effect of norepinephrine on
اسئلتها عاده بتكون مكررة ونص الطلاب نفس الأسئلة.

_FSH,LH ايش هم
_HDLايش وظيفته
_كم ATP يتكون من اكسده 1 جلكوز
_ليش يطلع 38 او 36 ATP
_ catecholamine ايش نعرف عنهم
_lipase كلهم وايش يسووا
_ايش هم ال lipoprotien


-Talk about pituitary gland ?
-Talk about lipoprotein ?
-Talk about krebs' cycle ?
-Disorders of ammonia formation ?


د نوال الحنحنة - جامعة صنعاء

مجدي صبري blood & GIT


بنك د.وهيب.pdf
بنك اسئلة #Physiology

نماذج git وهيب.doc
نماذج GIT #physiology

د وهيب - جامعة صنعاء

نماذج GIT #physiology

د وهيب - جامعة صنعاء

Репост из: 👑 مملكة الطب | Kingdom of Medicine 💊
Sameh Doss MCQs 2nd. Dr.Om^^ .pdf
اختيارات(MCQs ) الدكتور سامح دوز 2⃣


Репост из: 👑 مملكة الطب | Kingdom of Medicine 💊
Sameh Doss MCQs 1st. Dr.Om^^ .pdf.pdf
اختيارات(MCQs ) الدكتور سامح دوز 1⃣


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