“ 🔖 blooming / ··· ” in the vast expanse of my learning, I find myself ensconced within the confines of a spacious ivory chamber, intermittently touched by delicate hues of rose. My fervent desire to peer beyond these walls is tempered by the daunting task of imparting knowledge.
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as the sands of study time trickle away, I am granted respite, and my gaze ventures outward. Beyond the threshold, a spectacle unfolds—a blossom, resplendent in its unfurling, adorns the threshold, a testament to nature's artistry. Its petals, a symphony of hues, whisper tales of beauty and resilience.
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untuk mengirim format pesanan yang ingin kamu pesan, silahkan kirim format pesanan mu ke @puicsi atau @kanangbot dengan pengisian yang benar. pastikan anda mengisi formatnya dengan benar dan lengkap. cara pengisian format yang benar ada di bawah ini.
— name + username : kana @puicsi
— buy what + code : Manips idol × 2d
— Type of Manips : selca
— Muse × Muse + group/sns : eunchae le sserafim × luffy one piece
— total person : 2
— pict from : seller
— size : 16:9
— theme : date in the beach
— as what : couple
— add req : kiss sign & scribble medium
— inrush : yes, tomorrow at 2 pm
— payment : dana
— done subs @Maenipis : already
as the sands of study time trickle away, I am granted respite, and my gaze ventures outward. Beyond the threshold, a spectacle unfolds—a blossom, resplendent in its unfurling, adorns the threshold, a testament to nature's artistry. Its petals, a symphony of hues, whisper tales of beauty and resilience.