Right on this day, a human being with all the perfection in him grew one year older than before. He is, Mark Lee!
Especially for my lovely boyfriend & the best Mark Lee RPers, who are :
Joriffer, Leonardo, Gaska, Diska, Mark, Malvian, Marka, Saddam, Sadam, Markaiden, Marakha, Vesper, Genta, Areksa, Arv, Vilon, Sym, Marka, Miguel, Matthew, Rialam, Sagara, Kai, Athala.
Happy birthday to you who are full of privileges in you, may you always be healthy wherever and whenever, may you always be happy and protected from all evil that exists, thank you for wanting to come into this world, thank you for being the reason everyone is happy people, from me who admire you.
With Love,
Mystiqea Aphelliemosa.