With the rapid growth of telegram channels and the registration of several thousand new channels per day and the extraordinary revenue of channels from online advertising and sales (from chicken milk to dinosaur socks), new unique opportunities have been provided to generate income for all Iranians.
But these new channels, given that they are in the beginning and have no members,
You need a lot of members to make money from online advertising and sales.
The point is, because they have few members, other people don't trust those channels!
Because research has shown that channels with low membership do not have a good mentality for people
And people usually don't become members of low-user channels and prefer to become members of channels that have more members.
Because they say to themselves that the channel that has more members must have better things that could attract more members! (Which, of course, is what most people think).
Fact that a certain channel has 100 members and a certain channel has 100,000 members always makes the channels think about the unlimited increase of their members.
Because in addition to attracting new users to the channel due to having many members, it also makes them receive much more revenue from advertising and selling their online products.
That's the reason you should buy telegram subscribers first !
We do sell them for you all .
Direct massage us @SingularitaxBot & Buy
Channel - @MarketingForTelegram
With the rapid growth of telegram channels and the registration of several thousand new channels per day and the extraordinary revenue of channels from online advertising and sales (from chicken milk to dinosaur socks), new unique opportunities have been provided to generate income for all Iranians.
But these new channels, given that they are in the beginning and have no members,
You need a lot of members to make money from online advertising and sales.
The point is, because they have few members, other people don't trust those channels!
Because research has shown that channels with low membership do not have a good mentality for people
And people usually don't become members of low-user channels and prefer to become members of channels that have more members.
Because they say to themselves that the channel that has more members must have better things that could attract more members! (Which, of course, is what most people think).
Fact that a certain channel has 100 members and a certain channel has 100,000 members always makes the channels think about the unlimited increase of their members.
Because in addition to attracting new users to the channel due to having many members, it also makes them receive much more revenue from advertising and selling their online products.
That's the reason you should buy telegram subscribers first !
We do sell them for you all .
Direct massage us @SingularitaxBot & Buy
Channel - @MarketingForTelegram