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— my first impression, you look so intimidating and also you look so cool, have a positive aura? seems like you're a calm, polite person and also you're friendly?! we just became mutuals, hopefully we can get closer and talk a little bit to get to know each other.
— under.
— 9/10 so cool and the color is so nice, it looks so sexy and also very handsome.
— beloved.
— under.
— kill 😈
— Gevandra? Is it true that your name is Gevandra? I think yes, because it's written clearly haha sorry I'm a little doubtful. Gevandra actually this is my new mutual, we just did subs for subs this morning? I don't really know much about you, but you sure seem really cool and you look fierce too? I'm sorry, but if you look at it from the first time you did subs for subs, you are really fierce and intimidating??????? if it's wrong, I'm sorry :D not only that, you also look so handsome and very polite. I like your username too, please it's really cool! but the people are no less cool, of course.
— honestly you look so fierce, but don't you know? between fierce and friendly mixed into one.
— lo keren banget.
— ship u with Ni-ki.