Wdyt 𐐼bt 🅐b!y︪𐐼z ?💟
- Sⱺci𐐼l butterlfy,humblᥱ persⱺn :⍴,seems friᥱndly tⱺ nᥱw ppl. let's get closᥱr 🅐b҇y ♡ ๑ᵔ⤙ᵔ๑
- 🅐dor𐐼blᥱ P🅴RSꐐN,h𐐼ve a gantlᥱ ♡,tbh u caug︪ht my attᥱntion,myb i h𐐼ve crush on yⱺu :D grrwr
- whꐑⱺpsi︪ᥱ,looks a bit fierce && weird. Lazy to make friᥱnd with yⱺu.. ugh sowwy︕
- 𖦹﹏☆ Everything is in 🅐by Cutⱸ 𐐼nd hanDsome boy. Always givᥱ pⱺsitive vibes 🧸🧸!