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"We need to work to fix the reason of migration and solve conflicts" Angela Merkel
This means even missing human rights.
One thing has been showed with the Palestine war. All such things our politicians are doing is just a great failure! United Nations is a failure, since even if they say things with brain, they still haven't solved anything ...
Countries that give a shit by thinking "well, migrants need to go to Germany, let we do anything and close eyes, by allowing that ... at the end they will not remain in our country ..."
Since we are Swiss, we are saying that in neutral way, at the end we are not Germany ... We have not so many migrants like other countries too ..
This is about talking about a serious topic that should be fixed once at all, near other problems available. A topic that Anders Behring Breivik is talking about, but with a discrimination way, etc. So a topic that is not actual at all, but present since years. This has nothing to do with "keep our tradition" like years ago too. We love to see black or latin people in our countries, so we should have no issue to see even Muslims in our countries ...
Remember that criminality in America Latina is huge high, means that if you think like Breivik, you should refuse all latinos too ... which obviously make no sense.
Same otherwise can be said about Italians, that are like "rats". You see Italians everywhere! do we need to refuse Italians, just because they migrate everywhere? ... We have no problem with that. People love eating Pizza and Pasta everywhere ...
Yes, Poland is doing things to stop such things
but there is still too much "give a shit" from all countries, like said previously
If migrants leave country A to reach country Z, already countries A, B, C should stop that! not that A-Y are giving a shit and then is a problem of Z!
No matter if Z is Spain, Italy, France, Germany or other countries!
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This means even missing human rights.
One thing has been showed with the Palestine war. All such things our politicians are doing is just a great failure! United Nations is a failure, since even if they say things with brain, they still haven't solved anything ...
Countries that give a shit by thinking "well, migrants need to go to Germany, let we do anything and close eyes, by allowing that ... at the end they will not remain in our country ..."
Since we are Swiss, we are saying that in neutral way, at the end we are not Germany ... We have not so many migrants like other countries too ..
This is about talking about a serious topic that should be fixed once at all, near other problems available. A topic that Anders Behring Breivik is talking about, but with a discrimination way, etc. So a topic that is not actual at all, but present since years. This has nothing to do with "keep our tradition" like years ago too. We love to see black or latin people in our countries, so we should have no issue to see even Muslims in our countries ...
Remember that criminality in America Latina is huge high, means that if you think like Breivik, you should refuse all latinos too ... which obviously make no sense.
Same otherwise can be said about Italians, that are like "rats". You see Italians everywhere! do we need to refuse Italians, just because they migrate everywhere? ... We have no problem with that. People love eating Pizza and Pasta everywhere ...
Yes, Poland is doing things to stop such things
but there is still too much "give a shit" from all countries, like said previously
If migrants leave country A to reach country Z, already countries A, B, C should stop that! not that A-Y are giving a shit and then is a problem of Z!
No matter if Z is Spain, Italy, France, Germany or other countries!
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