Round 3 is underway‼️
Total Templates: 256
Winning Templates: 128
Overall Number of Winners: 64,512
Winners Per Template: 504
🌟 Total $PX for Tournament Participants: 5,017,600,000
🏆 Rewards Per Template:
Owner: 1,800,000 $PX
Ranks 1-8: 900,000 $PX
Ranks 9-16: 400,000 $PX
Ranks 17-32: 200,000 $PX
Ranks 33-64: 100,000 $PX
Ranks 65-128: 50,000 $PX
Ranks 129-504: 25,000 $PX
Good luck in the battle on Telegram!
Total Templates: 256
Winning Templates: 128
Overall Number of Winners: 64,512
Winners Per Template: 504
🌟 Total $PX for Tournament Participants: 5,017,600,000
🏆 Rewards Per Template:
Owner: 1,800,000 $PX
Ranks 1-8: 900,000 $PX
Ranks 9-16: 400,000 $PX
Ranks 17-32: 200,000 $PX
Ranks 33-64: 100,000 $PX
Ranks 65-128: 50,000 $PX
Ranks 129-504: 25,000 $PX
Good luck in the battle on Telegram!