Репост из: Red Pill Germany
Dramatic changes happening in Austria, right now! As you might remember, the Austrian Freedom Party became the strongest party in the last elections. The globalist establishment tried to install a coalition of losers, just like they did in central german states. These coalition talks failed, however, in Austria. People briefly discussed bringing former chancellor Sebastian Kurz back. According to german media, he declined, though. This could mean snap elections in Austria. Globalists think, they can win over voters to the ÖVP, the cuck wing of the Austrian uniparty. Immigration - orchestrated and facilitated by you know who - has truly destabilized parts of Europe. People are getting hurt and killed on a daily basis by these hordes of undesirable intruders, yet, a majority of voters still thinks that it is a good idea to vote for the same traitors who illegally opened the borders in 2015.