Q3. A young man aged 30years, presents with difficulty
in vision in the left eye for the last 10 days. He is
a rural community and gives history of trauma
to his left eye with vegetative matter 10- 15 days
back. On examination, there is an ulcerative lesion
in the cornea, whose base has raised soft creamy
infiltrate. Ulcer margin is. feathery and hyphate.
There are a few satellite lesions also. The most
probable etiological agent is:
in vision in the left eye for the last 10 days. He is
a rural community and gives history of trauma
to his left eye with vegetative matter 10- 15 days
back. On examination, there is an ulcerative lesion
in the cornea, whose base has raised soft creamy
infiltrate. Ulcer margin is. feathery and hyphate.
There are a few satellite lesions also. The most
probable etiological agent is: