Orthodox Man

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Purpose of this project is to awake the genuine manliness and chivalry among the Orthodox Christians.

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Dueling scars (German: Schmisse) have been seen as a "badge of honour" since as early as 1825. Known variously as "Mensur scars", "the bragging scar", "smite", "Schmitte" or "Renommierschmiss", dueling scars were popular amongst upper-class Austrians and Germans involved in academic fencing at the start of the 20th century. Being a practice amongst university students, it was seen as a mark of their class and honour, due to the status of dueling societies at German and Austrian universities at the time, and is an early example of scarification in European society.
The sport of academic fencing at the time was very different from modern fencing using specially developed swords. The so-called Mensurschläger (or simply Schläger, "hitter") existed in two versions. The most common weapon is the Korbschläger with a basket-type guard. In some universities in the eastern part of Germany, the so-called Glockenschläger is in use which is equipped with a bell-shaped guard. The individual duels between students, known as Mensuren, were somewhat ritualised. In some cases, protective clothing was worn, including padding on the arm and an eye guard.
As the scars were gained in this particular elite social context, associated with status and an academic institution, the scars showed that one had courage and also was "good husband material". The duelling scars, while obvious, were not so serious as to leave a person disfigured or bereft of facial features. The scars were even judged by Otto von Bismarck to be a sign of bravery, and men's courage could be judged "by the number of scars on their cheeks".

#violence #honor

#violence #honor


Holy Serbian knight St. Great Martyr Milan of Toplica - one of the best Serbian archers ever.

He was known as the Dragon of Toplica.

He was either a member of the Order of the Dragon or of the Order of St. George or both.

He died in the Battle of Kosovo on 15th of June in 1389 together with St. Great Martyr Miloš (Obilić) of Kobilje when they pierced through Turkish lines and Miloš killed Ottoman Turkish Sultan Murad I on the battlefield.

St. Milan gave his life protecting Christianity and Europe from the Ottoman Turks.

#knighthood #faith #violence #soldiership

Christianity is not pacifist!

"And should you hear any one in the public thoroughfare, or in the midst of the forum, blaspheming God; go up to him and rebuke him; and should it be necessary to inflict blows, spare not to do so. Smite him on the face; strike his mouth; sanctify your hand with the blow, and if any should accuse you, and drag you to the place of justice, follow them thither; and when the judge on the bench calls you to account, say boldly that the man blasphemed the King of angels! For if it be necessary to punish those who blaspheme an earthly king, much more so those who insult God."

-St John Chrysostom

#violence #faith

"Therefore, when infidels and heretics do not deceive any of the Orthodox, they should not be harmed or hated.

But when we notice that infidels and heretics want to deceive the Orthodox, then we should not only hate or condemn them, but also curse them, inflict physical wounds on them, in order to sanctify our hands!"

- St. John Chrysostom

#faith #violence

Репост из: Holy Europe
The warrior monks of Kalavryta, by Greek painter and iconographer, Maria Sideri

Before the battle in the Mega Spileo Monastery (1827) during the Holy Greek War of Independence, Ibrahim Pasha, the Islamic ruler of Egypt and ally (at the time) to the Ottomans, sent his army to terrorize Peloponnese and force the Greek Orthodox populace to submit to Islam. As the danger was getting closer and closer, the monks of the Mega Spileo Monastery started preparing to fight back. Ibrahim Pasha sent a warning to the monks, trying to persuade them to surrender their weapons and submit peacefully. Here’s their response:

“We salute you, great Islamic ruler.
We received your letter and your warning, we know that you are in Kalavryta and that your army is a mighty one. However, we cannot submit to you, for we have sworn to fight to the death for our Holy Faith and our Nation and we have to uphold this oath. We suggest that you take your army elsewhere. Because, if you fight here and win, you will just murder a bunch of priests, which is really no big deal for us. If you lose, however, it will be extremely humiliating for you and the morale of the Greeks will be boosted tremendously. And you will lose, because God is on our side. This is our advice, you are a smart man, do whatever you want with it. We are more than ready to die.”

-Greek forces: 800 men
-Ottoman forces: 6000 men (4000 Ottomans and 2000 Greek islamized traitors)
-Greek casualties: 1 dead, a few injured
-Ottoman casualties: >300 dead
Result: total Greek victory

#Greece_is_Holy_Europe #Christianity #Christianity_is_not_pacifist

Репост из: Holy Europe
#Greece_is_Holy_Europe #Christianity #Christianity_is_not_pacifist

Frescoe of St. Prophet Elijah slaughtering the priests and prophets of Baal

Christianity is not pacifist!

#faith #violence

St. Ambrose of Milan:

"The Jews are the most worthless of all men. They are lecherous, greedy, rapacious. They are perfidious murderers of Christ. They worship the Devil. Their religion is a sickness. The Jews are the odious assassins of Christ and for killing God there is no expiation possible, no indulgence or pardon. Christians may never cease vengeance, and the Jew must live in servitude forever. God always hated the Jews. It is essential that all Christians must hate them."

#faith #violence

Strike for the cross, for the heroic honor, whoever girds the shiny arms, whoever hears his heart beating in the chest! Blasphemers of the Christ's name should be baptized in water, but also in blood!

- "The Mountain Wreath" by St. ruler & Metropolitan Peter II Petrovich Njegosh of Montenegro and the Littoral

#honor #violence #knighthood

St. Bishop Nikolai Velimirovich of Žiča and Ohrid:

"If the entire evil of the world had only one head, I don't know what Tolstoy would do with that head. But Njegoš* would cut it off."

*Saint ruler & Metropolitan Peter II Petrović Njegoš of Montenegro and the Littoral

#faith #violence

The genuine, manly man is a dying breed. We have been told for far too long that violence is never the answe, that attacking is bad. We've been told that it's cruel to kill our own food. We've been conditioned to believe that there is no place in modern society for the man who refuses to shave his chest or wear skinny jeans. As a man... you are an attacker, conqueror, initiator, protector, provider, leader... As a man you are solely responsible for the safety and well being of your family. How can you be a good husband if you're not able to protect your wife? How can you be a good father if you're not able to protect your children? Remember... the eyes of the children are fixed upon you. You serve as an example of what boys should grow up to be... and of what young women should seek out in a potential husband. So... If you can, grow your beard, eat your steak, carry a knife, own a gun, lead and protect your woman, fight for what is right and be strong. Mentally, physically and spiritually. Be of good courage. Long live the genuine, manly man!

Damian Radulovich - "Genuine Man"



Репост из: Holy Europe
Learn how to grow food, as soon as possible.

Find people who know how to look for water and dig wells. You need water for growing food.

Work on becoming self-sustainable. Join forces with other like-minded people. Start a community. Join the capital and buy together a plot of land. Build homesteads together.

Single person or a single family can't survive alone. You need at least 3 families in order to make a full circle of industry and to have enough people for sake of protection in a case of an attack.

Build a network of such communities in your part of the world.

Join our Alliance and we'll help you and you'll have supporters and cooperators around the world. We'll help you build a parallel system with your own industry and institutions.

This way you'll survive, be independent and be free to raise your children properly so that they become even better and tougher than us and be able to continue our fight.


Репост из: Holy Europe
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Jews have made a move to starve Americans by cutting off the water supply to thousands of farms from Oregon to California.

Oregon's Bureau of Reclamation has shut off the "A Canal" which is the principal irrigation canal for the Klamath Project which thousands of farms depend upon to water their fields. The Globalists are creating an artificial drought and an intentional food shortage.


Репост из: Holy Europe
You don't have to be a genius to see that what the Bible commands us to do is altogether different from what the modern version of Christianity teaches. In this age too many Christians have become apathetic and pacifistic towards lost and dying humanity. They could care less if the devil is conducting a full-scale murder campaign against the inhabitants of this world. They don't want to hear about warfare or fighting against sin and Satan. All they want is a Christianity where everyone always feels warm and happy, all they want is a peaceful Christianity when there is no peace. True and lasting peace will only be secured as we engage in combat, conquering the forces of the enemy by the power of God.

#Christianity_is_not_pacifist #Christianity

Репост из: The Legion
National Christian Socialism Basics III)

In a National Christian Socialist society, all things are orientated towards Christ. Whether it be economics, social policy or foreign relations, the measure for success is as follows: are we moving closer to salvation? So long as we are moving towards salvation, we are succeeding. If we are not moving towards salvation, no matter what our material gains might be, then we are failing. A Christian society is not simply a collection of Christians, it is a body of Christians living the faith as a unified body.

Репост из: The Legion
National Christian Socialism Basics II)

As we are called by the Lord to honor our father and mother, this command extends to our national family. The national in National Christian Socialism means living out the fifth commandment on the national level. Every member of the nation is a brother, sister, father or mother, and ought to be treated as such. This does not imply hatred for the other nations any more than loving your immediate family implies hatred for other families.

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