Репост из: IMD App
📣 Hello iMD Family
New Android app is released (Version 173)
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😌Channel: @iMD_app
New Android app is released (Version 173)
✔️What's New in This Version:
🐞 Bug fixes for a smoother experience
⚡️ Increased download speed and improved stability
🎥 Updated video player for enhanced playback
❤️ Added options to delete favorites and highlights
🌳 Introduced Tree view for subjects and systems
🔍 Enhanced search functionality in subjects and systems
📋 Added QIDs to create a test section
❌ Removed zero count systems from question browsing
🚫 Simplified difficulty settings when all answers are the same
⏳ Introduced Timed mode with resume capability
🛑 Prevented multiple taps on the "Let's Go" button
🔗 Fixed issues with connected questions
💾 Saved test creation criteria for convenience
🎨 Redesigned the USMLE results page
🖥 Added a File Server for easy access
📊 New USMLE Progress Page to track your performance
📅 Fixed progress dates for answers
❌ Simplified difficulty settings for non-difficulty QBanks
✔️ Now supporting multiple-choice questions
📛 Fixed issues with empty subject or system names
📑 Loaded questions in order for both viewer and results
💔 Resolved issues with favorites containing HTML in QBanks
❌ Removed "Last Updated" label when all are the same
⏰ Fixed empty Time Spent display
📅 Introduced "Unused Since" feature
❌ Removed subjects and systems if none exist
📚 Displayed subject and system information at the end of questions
🛠 Added borders to UWorld tables with a max width of 100%
❌ Removed the favorite button from the HTML viewer
🚀 Implemented Gzip compression for faster UWorld backups and restores
🔄 Added restore functionality with codes and a list of backups
⏳ Introduced automatic backups for QBanks
📊 Enhanced answer percentage visibility
🎴 Added CardView to all list view items
🚫 Fixed crashes caused by empty answers in QBanks
🔄 Resolved scrolling issues on the databases page
📖 Fixed large icons in AccessMedicine books
📄 New document loading system for heavy documents
❌ Removed unused settings from the account page
🎥 Added videos to search results for titles
⚡️ Optimized video search functionality
🔍 Utilized title search and content search when up-to-date results are not found
📄 Fixed issues with UpToDate abstracts
🔒 Saved login information for easier access
🎨 Added an option for document background color
📥Download from :
Direct ink
👤Contact @Moheb to get a new account or renew your current subscription.
😌Channel: @iMD_app