( 𝐈. ) Due to
@Telegram's new policy, i declared that the owner of this channel and all the connections Kim Jennie from BLΛƆKPIИK or YG ENTERTAIMENT. this channel is only for roleplayer just for fun, all media that i take are on PINTRESET, INSTAGRAM, TWITTER,TIKTOK AND GOOGLS, etc.
( 𝐈𝐈. ) My channel also contains LGBTQ, NSFW, HARSHWORDS, CAPSLOK. you feel uncomfortable with my channel, unsubscribe me and remove account me from your channel.
( 𝐈𝐈𝐈. ) this channel is mine whatever i create and i fill it all purely from my mind, if there is someone whose channel is the same as mine i beg to contact
me please apply #STOPPLAGIARISM in your mind and channel.
( 𝐈𝐕. ) i warn you to don't subscribe my channel if you homophobic, rprlarea, minor, grammar police, nonchara, spread hate. bcs, i not interact with someone concrned, thanks for understanding.