Now to the question, why putting Mark Zuckerberg in prison and not Pavel Durov?
Well, we already said that some bad things are available on Telegram too, BUT TELEGRAM IS NOT SUGGESTING YOU SUCH THINGS!
If for example you want to discover a specific topic, you need to search for that (*)
Telegram is not perfect, but compared to Facebook Telegram is getting better and better from day to day. There is a lot we need to improve
Most important obviously is that Telegram start to ban spam / terrorism / pedo and specific porn things.
Does Telegram need to ban all porn? In our opinion not, because
a) people check porn, no matter if on WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, TikTok (Soft PornHub 2.0) or other website / social networks ... So if porn is banned on Telegram, they would still watch that somewhere else. PORN IS EVERYWHERE! and mostly EVERYONE is watching porn!
b) porn is not directly related to more criminality!
Yes, for some people maybe it can increase criminality, but not for everyone!
Remember, better watching a porn video, than raping a girl! So as always, it depends!
c) like said previously, they don't suggest directly porno (*except with their shitty search results BUT you need to open such channel! so it's your decision!). There is no for you or similar things on Telegram! YOU NEED TO SEARCH! Pavel said that clearly too!
Plus we already noticed, that Telegram is hiding many porn channels from the search results. So they are improving, but still years away ... even the fact that they ignore our requests related to ban specific channels ...
With that, we cannot ignore the fact that porn spam IS A PROBLEM ON TELEGRAM! no matter if Italians opening (empty) 10000000 channels all the same with shitty links ...
So it's time that Telegram HIDE per default porn! and ONLY BY ID VERIFICATION you can check porn! Otherwise is the same bullshit like TikTok, saying TikTok is not used by kids ...
Terrorism and criminality need to be banned, if government request that and such requests are done with sense ...
Plus, before uploading porn, YOU NEED TO VERIFY YOUR ID WITH TELEGRAM! So once pedo is uploaded, police can exactly arrest such people!
Again, it's time that Telegram remains Telegram, but with less criminality ... where Telegram is working with the police to put criminals in prison!
Pedo is available on Meta too! and mostly pedo from Meta is uploaded to Telegram
Plus we have the problem about illegal movies and spam
No matter what, even if Telegram has such problems, Telegram like said is improving and is years away from what is happening on other socials .... even by considering the fact that mostly no one is using Telegram and searching channels on Telegram is huge complex and currently works bad (this means even related to bad channels, which in such case is a pro).
Last point: Facebook keeps all settings opened per default (and we hate we always need to hide such things one by one) ... with Telegram is not really the case and you can block that. No matter, would be better that Telegram would set calls, groups to "only my friends" per default, because we all know for example the crypto spam on Telegram ...
So again, Meta in prison!
Well, we already said that some bad things are available on Telegram too, BUT TELEGRAM IS NOT SUGGESTING YOU SUCH THINGS!
If for example you want to discover a specific topic, you need to search for that (*)
Telegram is not perfect, but compared to Facebook Telegram is getting better and better from day to day. There is a lot we need to improve
Most important obviously is that Telegram start to ban spam / terrorism / pedo and specific porn things.
Does Telegram need to ban all porn? In our opinion not, because
a) people check porn, no matter if on WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, TikTok (Soft PornHub 2.0) or other website / social networks ... So if porn is banned on Telegram, they would still watch that somewhere else. PORN IS EVERYWHERE! and mostly EVERYONE is watching porn!
b) porn is not directly related to more criminality!
Yes, for some people maybe it can increase criminality, but not for everyone!
Remember, better watching a porn video, than raping a girl! So as always, it depends!
c) like said previously, they don't suggest directly porno (*except with their shitty search results BUT you need to open such channel! so it's your decision!). There is no for you or similar things on Telegram! YOU NEED TO SEARCH! Pavel said that clearly too!
Plus we already noticed, that Telegram is hiding many porn channels from the search results. So they are improving, but still years away ... even the fact that they ignore our requests related to ban specific channels ...
With that, we cannot ignore the fact that porn spam IS A PROBLEM ON TELEGRAM! no matter if Italians opening (empty) 10000000 channels all the same with shitty links ...
So it's time that Telegram HIDE per default porn! and ONLY BY ID VERIFICATION you can check porn! Otherwise is the same bullshit like TikTok, saying TikTok is not used by kids ...
Terrorism and criminality need to be banned, if government request that and such requests are done with sense ...
Plus, before uploading porn, YOU NEED TO VERIFY YOUR ID WITH TELEGRAM! So once pedo is uploaded, police can exactly arrest such people!
Again, it's time that Telegram remains Telegram, but with less criminality ... where Telegram is working with the police to put criminals in prison!
Pedo is available on Meta too! and mostly pedo from Meta is uploaded to Telegram
Plus we have the problem about illegal movies and spam
No matter what, even if Telegram has such problems, Telegram like said is improving and is years away from what is happening on other socials .... even by considering the fact that mostly no one is using Telegram and searching channels on Telegram is huge complex and currently works bad (this means even related to bad channels, which in such case is a pro).
Last point: Facebook keeps all settings opened per default (and we hate we always need to hide such things one by one) ... with Telegram is not really the case and you can block that. No matter, would be better that Telegram would set calls, groups to "only my friends" per default, because we all know for example the crypto spam on Telegram ...
So again, Meta in prison!