Question: ⭐️
A 3-year-old boy is referred to you for evaluation of his third episode of soft-tissue infection. You note that he was hospitalized at 1 year of age for a perirectal infection requiring incision and drainage, and his umbilical cord detached at 8 weeks of age. On physical examination, his temperature is 39.3°C, he has an approximately 5-cm area of erythema with central necrosis over his left lateral thigh, and his gums are markedly inflamed. His white blood cell count is
42.0x103/mcL (42.0x109/L), with 80% neutrophils, 3% bands, and 17% lymphocytes.
A 3-year-old boy is referred to you for evaluation of his third episode of soft-tissue infection. You note that he was hospitalized at 1 year of age for a perirectal infection requiring incision and drainage, and his umbilical cord detached at 8 weeks of age. On physical examination, his temperature is 39.3°C, he has an approximately 5-cm area of erythema with central necrosis over his left lateral thigh, and his gums are markedly inflamed. His white blood cell count is
42.0x103/mcL (42.0x109/L), with 80% neutrophils, 3% bands, and 17% lymphocytes.