drop your first impression to @hchasand👤 boti
👤 cool and friendly?
👤 humble
👤 friendly
👤 cool 👍🏻
👤 wow cool asf 😯
👤 baik
👤 kece
👤 Friendly🤩
👤 gak tau lebih, maybe kamu asik?
👤 Friendly maybe
👤 so cool and handsome, ihacoy😬
👤 kece
👤 cool and friendly👍🏻
👤 swaggyyy bett
👤 kecee, baik jugaa
👤 hyungiee canat cool, cepelti na acik, teyus i got a lil jamet vibes
👤 huum baik maybe😋
👤 friendly kayanya
👤 cool & friendly !!
👤 simple but cool !!
👤 terlihat spt jametie
👤 keliatan simple, tapi masih ada benih benih kerennya gitu
👤 agak serem, tapi keren bangettt
👤 Kece
👤 cool
👤 boti wu
👤 keccee 😼
👤 seems imitating but also friendly tho
👤 kece but kadang minta dijadiin dessert megalodon
👤 kece && seems friendly
👤 ems jametie
👤 Cool!
👤 kece, friendly
👤 cool, kece. keliatan friendly
👤 waaa seru nih orangnya😬😬
👤 ramah siee
👤 seem cute & little jametie
👤 kinda reminds me of my acc terhapus(?)
👤 rpers kece, kind also friendly!
👤 jamet
👤 cute and seems friendly tho. i like your vibe
👤 jamet🤭✌️
👤 cool
👤 avamu kece hwhwhw
👤 kece
👤 Seems friendly but kinda cool(?)
👤 nyebeyin ccekali !
👤 cool
👤 Kerennn 🤕🤕
👤 friendly, attractive n jamet 🤓
👤 jamet 🤩🤩
👤 cool n friendly 🤠
👤 alay suka halu sinting
👤 jamet bener mamih mah
👤 kinda scary 😬
👤 pengen tak cekek
👤 jamettie kamu HSHSHS
👤 awalnya doang kece, kalo dh kenal beuh jamet lampu merah
👤 sopan && seems friendly