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For a myriad of reasons, we have created a new channel: @PrivSecGoys

For those unwilling to make the trip, our original channel will continue to exist, and we will forward new posts to it for the foreseeable future.

And ¡Jeb! Bush as VP

Репост из: New Right News
💬 Prosecutors will say in secret whether they used controversial spying tool against neo-Nazi accused in Baltimore power grid plot 

Federal prosecutors said they are willing to disclose whether they used a controversial surveillance program to foil a Florida neo-Nazi leader’s alleged plot to attack Baltimore’s power grid last year, but will only do so in secret, during a classified meeting with the judge handling the case.

📌 The Baltimore Sun

New Right News

AU10TIX responsible for leaked driver's licenses

The Israeli company alleges employee credentials were compromised 18 months ago but have since been rescinded. A security researcher confirmed the credentials still worked as of this month.

Sloppy job, Mossad.

Once again, it seems like counter-semites are the only ones who care about privacy and protecting civil liberties. I didn't see anyone else criticizing the Mossad-backed biometrics collection agency.

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She relaxed 😱

Репост из: #TakeBackOurTech
⚡️Apple & Google WiFi Surveillance Can Track Death & Destruction

Chances are, i
f you’ve used Google Maps or Apple Maps, you’ve contributed to one of the biggest surveillance databases in the world.

Known for their accuracy, big tech maps can locate your phone within a few meters and even indoors.

No, these big tech maps aren’t using GPS - they’re using WPS or Wi-Fi positioning system.

These WPS systems collect millions of WiFi networks and tag them with locations.

Researchers in Maryland discovered through a flaw in Apple’s WPS that they could gather at least 2B (2 Billion) WiFi location points by requesting WiFi networks at random.

That’s enough points to cover the world’s populated areas, notably China was nearly empty except for a few thousand points. Looks like even the CCP can’t opt out of this surveillance.

We did the work for them.

When you use Google or Apple maps, your phone will send the nearby WiFi networks along with their signal strength to the WPS. The WPS will look up these networks in a database that has hundreds of millions of networks along with their location. The calculation is then performed on the server for Google location’s service, and on the phone for Apple location’s service - which sent a list of 400 additional WiFi points back.

And this is how you get a precise location for your phone. Any new WiFi networks you scanned are potentially added to the WPS databases.

Apple & Google have made their users the instrument of their surveillance.

And the things you can do with this surveillance are harrowing. The researchers were able to see how many WiFi access points went offline in Gaza due to the constant bombardment that caused the deaths of 40,000 civilians.

Similarly the researchers were able to see the damage from the August 2023 Maui fires, and the emigration of people from Ukraine to escape forced conscription.

Apple, Google and any organization they choose to share this WiFi data will have incredible capabilities. Don’t worry though - because these companies care so much about privacy - they give you a way to opt out.


Add _nomap to the end of your WiFi SSID (name), Google and Apple promise not to index Wifi networks ending with those names.

Turn off your WiFi network and use ethernet cable.

Read primary source material here.

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Elsevier embeds a hash in the PDF metadata that is unique for each time a PDF is downloaded. Combined with access timestamps, they can uniquely identify the source of any shared PDFs.

@jonny/107685726645817029' rel='nofollow'>

Репост из: Kiwi Farms
The FBI subpoenaed Google for my account information in 2022. I have never been notified until now. It stands to reason there was a grand jury subpoena and associated gag order.

This was undoubtedly related to #DropKiwiFarms and, unsurprisingly, it amounted to nothing.

Репост из: Working Men Memes

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