🇷🇺🐻 Russian Media, Newsach on Telegram:
— "At the same time, talks were held in Washington between 🇺🇸 US President Biden and 🇩🇪 German Chancellor Scholz.
Scholz said that there is a military threat to Ukraine, this is a serious threat to security in Europe, and sanctions against Russia in the event of destabilization will be very tough and universal.
Biden confirmed that the West is ready to quickly impose sanctions against the Russian Federation in the event of its invasion."
— "At the same time, talks were held in Washington between 🇺🇸 US President Biden and 🇩🇪 German Chancellor Scholz.
Scholz said that there is a military threat to Ukraine, this is a serious threat to security in Europe, and sanctions against Russia in the event of destabilization will be very tough and universal.
Biden confirmed that the West is ready to quickly impose sanctions against the Russian Federation in the event of its invasion."