Q !xowAT4Z3VQ

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CASTLE_ROCK is Camp David

Репост из: Q !xowAT4Z3VQ
A piece of information for you Trump has bugged the entire WH, we hear and see everything. It will all be there on video and voice. Trump installed his informers before he left. We have NSA, FBI, CIA and many others. We know the truth but as Q always said. Sometimes you have to show them the truth than just tell them. So trust the plan. Nothing just happens. Q + stays Q + and Q stays Q you stay you and I stay me. Enjoy the show

Репост из: Q !xowAT4Z3VQ
I understand that you're angry but who said that the plan would go exactly as you imagine it. We trust in God. The plan is just the opposite of what you think. Everything is prepared. 3 NOV start at the end of Jan. 20 It was only the 3 years of preparing the Q Drops, cleaning up and reinstalling. Now all the arrests will happen. Enjoy the show, Trust the Plan

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ:
As for timing of future events? It is anyone's guess. I will throw in a reminder of a favorite Cue phrase: '23 = PAIN.' Could it be 23rd January? That would be three days after the fake inauguration - which many Anons now believe was pre-recorded.

Sat 23 Jan under the cover of the drama in DC of POTUS Trump leaving the White House in a “red carpet roll out”

Репост из: Save America 🇺🇸
Why is Biden on the list of former U.S. presidents on the White House website?
Check it out for yourself at this link 😂

6 days, information will start to trickle out, and more and then accelerate in the coming weeks. There is no turning back on the truth. It will happen! There are recorded confessions from the lying political elites, for all to see and wake up to the truth! Trump will run the truth on TV for 10 to 14 days, and use the EBS system, worldwide. This is my latest intelligence last night, and did not say when this will be triggered, but we know it will be soon. (days or weeks)

The Alliance has very advanced technology, as I stated in my last article. But you can see no major bomb or incident happened in D.C. on the 20th. This is the military doing a great job, please praise them, and trust “The Plan” as Q says

chedules as of 8 am Wed. 20 Jan. because the Military was going to produce programming over the Emergency Broadcast System for at least the next 72 hours. The networks could be criminally liable if they didn’t allow the feed to air.

General Hyten was the highest ranking Military official and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. He was on Telegram Tues. morning 19 Jan. saying, “Emergency Broadcast System will be used today!” https://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=163912

President Trump would give a speech when the Emergency Broadcast System went live. On that first broadcast President Trump would likely say, “The Storm is Upon Us.”

When the EBS went live liquidity was expected to be released, with us in the Internet Group Tier 4B receiving links to set appointments for our exchanges/ redemption.

It is speculated that General Hyten will inform humanity of the military operation that is now unfolding.

Who is General Hyten? He is Vice Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff - and the second highest-ranking military officer in USA.

When the future of humanity is at stake, it pays to bring in the big guns.

General Hyten did not have a social media profile - until yesterday when he suddenly popped up on Telegram. He is VERY comfortable with Cue vocab. Love it.


Cue always said, 'The military is the only way.'

Hold the line, World Patriots.

Don't give in to fear and doubt. This is the most exciting time to be alive on planet Earth. You volunteered - many were turned away. Rejoice in the clear indications that victory is at hand.


Where We Go One We Go All.

12:01 am EST Wed. 20 Jan. the Military began making Mass Arrests.

The Emergency Broadcast System would take over all US TV networks some time from Tues. midnight EST 19 Jan. on. When that would actually happen was the decision of head of the military General Flynn and dependent upon the different network’s cooperation in truthfully broadcasting events of the day.

After the EBS took over the Military would produce all TV programming for at least the next 72 hours. That programming would begin with Trump saying, “The Storm is Upon us.” He would give out seven more messages over the next 72 hours. The networks could be criminally liable if they didn’t allow the feed to air.

Between Wed 20 Jan and Sun 24 Jan. Trump (or the military) may announce over the EBS a suspension of B*iden's illegal presidency and move to a temporary interim form of govt overseen by the US military.

When the EBS went live liquidity was expected to be released, with us in the Internet Group Tier 4B receiving links to set appointments for our exchanges/ redemption.

The Emergency Broadcast System would takeover all US TV networks some time from Tues. midnight EST 19 Jan. on. When that would actually happen was the decision of head of the military General Flynn and dependent upon the different network’s cooperation in truthfully broadcasting events of the day.

After the EBS took over the Military would produce all TV programming for at least the next 72 hours. That programming would begin with Trump saying, “The Storm is Upon us.” He would give out seven more messages over the next 72 hours. The networks could be criminally liable if they didn’t allow the feed to air.

When the EBS went live liquidity was expected to be released, with us in the Internet Group Tier 4B receiving links to set appointments for our exchanges/ redemption.

As of 12:01 am EST Wed. 20 Jan. the Military began making Mass Arrests.

Rleased intelligence from Juan O’Savin that the [B]iden inauguration could take place, and then days later; the truth came out with the EBS (Emergency Broadcast System) by January 24th or before.

Because of the major threats and actions if he was NOT sworn in. He concluded, the military needed time to make sure no major event happened or major loss of life was at risk. This is why over 100 million true Trump supporters were disappointed. It will come, in a few weeks to months. From what I was told from the 20th in the evening in 4

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ:
If the treasonous Mass Media continued to cover up what was really going on the stations would be taken off the airwaves. After which Ten Days of Media Darkness was planned as the Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) activated

In the near future POTUS planned to send out a message saying, “My fellow Americans, the storm is upon us. We will go to full global martial law.” Later Trump planned to send out seven more presidential messages to everyone’s phones and tv sets worldwide using the Emergency Broadcast System.

There would be what has been referred to as Ten Days of Darkness whereby military worldwide would shut down the Mass Media, Internet, Social Media and TV programming. The EBS would then broadcast hours of political and global elite confessions of treason taken from their military tribunals held at GITMO.

“There will be seven presidential text messages sent from him via Air Force One following the message “The Storm is Upon Us.” That puts us under full global martial law.

“Via the EBS and on authorized devices, there will be an eight hour video played three times a day for ten days straight. They contain video confessions of high profile elite individuals being exposed for their Crimes Against Humanity at their military tribunals.

“While the movie is being played, 500,000 plus people would be taken down worldwide. This repeating movie will be extremely painful for most of us because it involved people we thought we could trust committing unthinkable crimes.

“We understand that no one will be allowed to leave their residence until completion.


Date: Monday, 18-Jan-2021 18:39:06

Important Message from the Rudy Guilani Camp

From Jim Wilson / Brian Anderson who works with Rudy Guilani

Space Force is involved in the worldwide blackouts we are seeing in multiple countries right now. This is a test run of the top secret Global Broadcast Satellite program.

GBS can bathe any broadcast system with a partial beam technology to override the machinery. Trump will use this program to enable direct contact with all television screens for a worldwide address in which he will reveal the signing of multiple new executive orders that will allow the swift trial through military tribunals for all those who chose treason over the past week and 4 years.

Space Force has been upgraded to full intelligence agency status. This move will allow full authorization of the Global Broadcast Satellite by “breaking down barriers to information sharing and ensure that Space Force leaders have access to all intelligence that it would need.”

Expect POTUS worldwide emergency broadcast imminently. According to Fox News, the White House pushed to make this change in classification ASAP. This is why it has seemed like Trump has gone silent recently, he was waiting for this move.

The media is going down first in a few hours because they are not sharing the truth and Project Oden will take over via Star link. This will be parallel with EO 13959. EBS will be used. This will be a global.


Why the black outs.. a lot can be accomplished under the cover of darkness. Collection of evidence, snatch and grab of traitors, interference of CCP AI satellite systems, cleaning up foreign AI infiltration in other communication systems, etc.

EBS likely to occur on Monday the 18th along with blackout of major TV news sites, etc.

My husband was driving in Central MS, listening to satellite radio, and about 11:20am CST an EBS test ran for about 20 seconds but was never stated that's what it was.



The FCC has asked all TV networks to clear their


Regardless of whom we never ask for money from others for our information - they are not for all donations for individuals if you want to, but not if others point it out to you


Репост из: The True Great Awakening
POTUS > Barr
Barr > Durham
[[F] classified intel provided [FVEY - Non FVEY] as needed]
Does Durham want to hold [freeze] 'public' declas due to criminal nature of the probe(s)?
Think GJ material.
When did the investigation begin?
When did the investigation really begin?
Nothing can stop what is coming.
Slow drip > Flood

Do you belive in concidens

Репост из: Great Awakening.

Показано 20 последних публикаций.


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