Репост из: The Journey of Red Velvet༄ #MONSTER
I hope that you'll vote us, Luvies. ‘Psycho’ is the our title track for the album The ReVe Festival: Finale. The album contains 16 songs in total, including our special track, La Rouge. Also, ain’t only Psycho, we’re nominated in 6 categories;
⋆ Best Female Group
⋆ Worldwide Fans’ Choice
⋆ Artist of the Year
⋆ Best Dance Performance #PSYCHO
⋆ Song of the Year #PSYCHO
⋆ Best OST #JOY
The votings start now and it will end on Dec 23:59 KST. If you already want to start to vote, I will drop the link below. Please do support our other sm groups and artists too! You can also tweet it on Twitter, you can use #MAMAVOTE #REDVELVET. Hoping for your love and support reveluvs, we can do this!
🗳 2020mama.com
⋆ Best Female Group
⋆ Worldwide Fans’ Choice
⋆ Artist of the Year
⋆ Best Dance Performance #PSYCHO
⋆ Song of the Year #PSYCHO
⋆ Best OST #JOY
The votings start now and it will end on Dec 23:59 KST. If you already want to start to vote, I will drop the link below. Please do support our other sm groups and artists too! You can also tweet it on Twitter, you can use #MAMAVOTE #REDVELVET. Hoping for your love and support reveluvs, we can do this!
🗳 2020mama.com