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Репост из: Mana of Moria
Honouring our ancestors and worshipping our gods is best performed by living in harmony with the earth and teaching your many kids the values of our great folk.

Репост из: Mana of Moria
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The propaganda is getting more heavy every day. This is because it is needed. The propaganda is getting more absurd every day. This is because they are desperate and are trying to speed up their agenda. They want you to be afraid because they are afraid of YOU. We are waking up in big numbers now and we're coming for them. We're no longer fighting left vs right. We're no longer watching their distractions on TV. We're no longer blaming their puppets. We're coming for the puppet masters and they know it. They can feel it. They are afraid. That is why they are desperate and this will lead to more and more slips and more and more will need to wake up. Most people choose to sleep as a surviving mechanism but soon their surviving mechanism will tell them that they need to wake up to stay alive.

Репост из: Mana of Moria
We are direct descendants from the people who settled in cold, barren lands and made it the best places on earth. We made wealth with nothing but our hands and what we could find in nature. Stones and trees and a will of iron. Your ancestors live through you. Look at the world today as an adventure. I firmly believe we chose to be here now because we are the best fighters to go up against the final boss. Make our ancestors proud today.

Låtefossen Waterfall🇳🇴

I had a conversation with a Christian today that was similar to the description of the "race first" Christians in the post above. He was saying that Pagans and Christians need to unite. I pointed out that it's a problem because the vast majority of Christians constantly attack Pagans. Its not Pagans attacking Christians. Pagans only point out the origins and inconsistencies and the fact Christianity is a "for all races" religion so it cannot be Nationalist. I asked him why Pagans should trust Christians when they were slaughtered en masse for not converting, and why did Europeans have to be converted away from their Native Spirituality in the first place?. Well, the teachings compel them to, which means they will do it again, was my answer. As usual He rattled off a bunch of passages form Luke and Romans, etc, and never really addressed my points. He did at least admit that what the church had done to Pagans was wrong. He seemed against the Church but like this post above points out, then why is he not going after the Church?? Like the post above I pointed out that there is no way he will convince any significant number of Christians to fight for race under the Christian banner and that he would find it also difficult to get them to fight alongside Pagans.. He was at least polite so I'll give him credit there.. Finally I pointed out their whole argument just makes no sense. If you want to fight for your race then why not fight as a real European? One whose holy land is Europe, not the holy land of the people trying to destroy you. Never got a response to that either. Maybe he went away from the conversation thinking anyway.

Репост из: The Aryan Front
This is for the supposed "Race First" Christians.

I'm going to set aside the fact that you serve two masters for now. I'm going to set aside pointing out the endless hoops you need to jump through in order to reconcile recognizing your existence as an Aryan with groveling to a Jew.

Here's what I want to know:

What's your "plan" to Racepill the "churches?"

No, don't launch into some spergy sophistic argument with no grounds in Reality about how every brand of Christianity is Zio-Christian, and YOUR brand of Christianity, with your six buddies in your Logos Pilled chat, follow the REAL Christianity.

Take this opportunity to truly, genuinely, self reflect.

If "real" Christianity is so based and is definitely the only real weapon against the Jew, what's your plan to turn it in to a weapon?

Because right now, the average Christian thinks it's super awesome to send White missionaries with White dollars to the Congo, convert the local 65 IQ tribes, and then import them by the tens of thousands to YOUR city, where they can marry a nice blonde 115 IQ Christian girl.

The average Christian recoils in horror at "Race First" - even the Christogram "Nazis!" What's your plan to penetrate the so called "Judaized" churches and correct them and bring them "back" to """Race First Christianity?"""

What are you doing wasting time arguing with Bagans, who already subscribe to Race First?

Why aren't you fixing your own damn religion? Why aren't you lambasting the priests and pastors who run immigration sponsorships and adopt little niglet babies? Where is your fire and passion to confront them for hijacking ""Real Christianity,"" like you sperg out when someone mentions Odhinn?

Репост из: Mana of Moria
The world outside may be scary but freedom is always the solution.

Репост из: Easter Tidings
I actually fully believe this and came to this conclusion on my own long ago. But it’s more complicated than you think. They can get inside the mind and override it so the “soul” or essence of the person is essentially hijacked. Psychological conditioning and “demon possession” are actually very similar things.

Репост из: Das Volk des Nordens
2 of 2

An Arabo-Italic claiming my ancestors and gods in a form of LARPing cargo-cult and telling me that my blood means nothing in regards to their worship, is the same cultural appropriation and attack that we see perpetuated by Blacks claiming the inventions of Verner von Braun at NASA, or that Mestizos and Africans are responsible for American civilization, or that the Arabs, Syrians, Chinese, and Indians are responsible for all post-tribal European achievements. It is the first step in relativizing and destroying our culture and ancestors. Dave Martel refuses to answer the simple question "Can an African worship Thor?" with even an iota of sincerity, because his goal is the same as Alice Bah Kuhnke, the African woman who was Swedish Minister of Culture and Democracy, responsible for the destruction of thousands of historic Heathen age artifacts: their shared goal is the eventual destruction of the Teutonic culture and people, root and stem, by one means or another.

It is time to cut off these agents and enemies of the Folk within our midst! Starve them of their merchandizing, don't buy their books, unsubscribe from their social media feeds, spread the word and evidence of their subversion far and wide! The gods of the Dawn and Victory are with the Folk whether you realize it or not. Start acting like the searing rune-swords of truth and drive out these opponents from our midst!

Репост из: Das Volk des Nordens
1 of 2

I need to put out an alert to all of my followers and any other ethnic faith believers out there.

Survive the Jive (Tom Rowsel) is supporting and contributing to the Noroenna Society, which is a monolatrous organization pushing a philosophy which synthesizes philosophical Christianity with corrupted Heathen Teutonic beliefs. The Noroenna is run by a man named Dave Martel who is a self-professed non-Teutonic, Calabrian Italian. This man says that ethnic identity is "anus worship" and "materialism" in an attempt to discredit the idea of tribes and peoples tied to specific gods.

To anyone remotely familiar with our myths and history, you will know that separation of the folk from the gods is the highest form of subversion! Our ancestors believed the gods to be our ancestors, and certain tribes believes certain gods to be their font. The Ingvaeones, Ynglingas, Irminones, Istvaeones, Goths, etc. believed that Tiwaz was the Heavenly Father and chief of the gods, though not a jealous or tyrant lord like Yahweh or Zeus, and that his son Mannus was the father of the Teutonic tribal groups: Herminones, Ingvaeones, Istvaeones, proto-Norse, and proto-Eastern/Goths. Our ancestors also viewed differing local Earth Mother and fertility goddesses in high-equal esteem for their roles in the divine-physical connections to the tribe and nature. This is borne out in the cults of Freya, Jord, Sif, and Zisa to name a few.

I have been suspicious of Tom for years now due to his self-professed Catholic upbringing, his NeoBolshevist phase in college, his early connections to the BBC, his alliance with Jewish and other Abrahamic figures like David Boaz for advice and input on Teutonic worldview, and his repeated belief in an Axial-Age mindset that "all the gods are reflections of ONE divinity". I have not believed that this was necessarily sinister, but his alliance and support for Dave Martel, a well-known subversive agent of Arabo-Italic descent who pushes:
A non-tribal non-ethnic version of our beliefs wherein the gods and worldview of the Teutons are not tied to the Teutonic people by blood;
Who states that the gods live physically as beings on alternate planets in galaxy;
Who states that the Poetic Edda is an original document that is many thousands of years old, un-tainted by Christians written in a proto-Norse dialect, despite the eldest copy dating from the 13th century in Christian Scandinavia, preserved by monks and copied/altered for hundreds of years in multiple versions, and written quite clearly in an old form of Icelandic.

I am disgusted but not surprised to see these elements of subversion coming together at this time of great outward turmoil and the spiritual transformation of Christianity from an internally subversive faith in a nation to the full international anti-racial doctrine we see now, reflecting back to its first evangelical phase under Saul/Paul of Tarsus. These Abrahamic-Asatru subverters want to prop up a poisoned tree of "paganism" for racially or ethnically inclined Europeans, especially Teutons, to latch on to in order to provide a stop-gap from them entirely leaving the spiritual and mental pitfalls of Jewish spiritualism and worldview. If a Teutons sees his gods and ancestors and homeland together as one entity, then a threat on any of these forces via alien religion, historical revision, or invasion as an attack on all and an attack on him/her in the present. By subverting the gods into a monolatrous or neo-Hindu styled monotheism and by rejecting the idea of blood and ethnicity, the subversives open up a new generation of Europeans to all kinds of physical and mental attack.

Репост из: Easter Tidings
I’ve been trying to get it across to people that they are psychologically conditioning people en masse in many different ways. I’d like to say for decades but the reality is that it began much earlier with the mind control religions. We see it in the “secular liberal” world also in the educational system, mass media, and other tactics.

I am positive they did a number on boomers with the Cold War “scare the fuck out of little children in schools” tactics. The extreme apocalyptic fear instilled by alarms blaring and submissive posturing of the constant bomb drills coupled by miracles and heroes of the government on the magic indoctrination box when they got home from school would have fractured their psyches to think in extreme polarity of good and evil. They fully trust one entity and fully despise its opposite. They’re prone to cult-like mentality and you often see them making random causes their “religion,” - I.e. political stances, covid compliance, or extreme diets. They get so sure their way is right and others are wrong that they will actually proselytize and condemn those who don’t convert to their cultus.

And here we have yet another example of mass mind-altering at the public level. These people know exactly what they are doing. Most people lack the information, IQ, and awareness to catch on.


Репост из: 𝚄𝚗𝚌𝚕𝚎 𝚃𝚎𝚍’𝚜 𝚂𝚞𝚛𝚛𝚘𝚐𝚊𝚝𝚎 𝙰𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚟𝚒𝚝𝚒𝚎𝚜
Put down the phone. Return to Tradition. Read a physical book, learn to grow and maintain a garden. Be self sufficient. Go outside and breathe the fresh air. Fun fact; all social media, is solely designed to be a mental drug. To control every facet of your being. Break away from all of the big tech companies one by one. You are a better human being when not controlled by a red notification.

-Uncle Ted’s Surrogate Activities

Репост из: Luddite Resistance
"Barbarism is needed every four or five hundred years to bring the world back to life, otherwise it would die of civilisation."

-Edmund de Goncourt

Репост из: PhilosophiCat
Every single living creature on earth has to be constantly on alert for risks and predators in their environment. This is just a basic fact of life. Animals that fail to do this well end up dead.

Some women seem to think they are so magical and special that they should be exempt from this natural law.

"I should be able to dress how I want and go out and get drunk and not have to worry about being raped!"

Why? Why should you be able to do that? Why should you get to do risky things without worrying about the consequences when literally no other creature on earth or in history has had that privilege? What makes you so special? What else do they imagine they should be about to do without consequences?

"I should be able to walk into traffic without looking and not worry that I'll get hit by a car! Just teach drivers not to run people over!"

"I should be able to leave my front door open at night so I can enjoy a breeze while I peacefully sleep and not have to worry about burglars! Just teach people not to burgle!"

"I should be able to go outside in winter in shorts and not freeze, just teach the wind not to blow on me!"

It's so tiring and entitled. This is how children think. Or rather, don't think. Children, like baby animals, just run around and have fun. It's up to their parents to keep them safe, they never think about it. Women are basically saying they want to be like children, but with all the privileges of adulthood.

This kind of thinking that they should be entitled to live in some super safe fantasy land where men will never rape them and where they can dress like whores to control men sexually with no consequences is delusional. Probably the result of a lifetime of antidepressants scrambling their brains.

The Jesus story is the same as the Holocaust story.
It's this story that nobody has any proof of, but just won't go away.

Репост из: ᛉ 🌲skógarvörðurinn 🌲ᛉ
”[F]or the leftist, leftism plays a psychological role much like that which religion plays for some people. The leftist NEEDS to believe in leftism; it plays a vital role in his psychological economy. His beliefs are not easily modified by logic or facts. He has a deep conviction that leftism is morally Right with a capital R, and that he has not only a right but a duty to impose leftist morality on everyone.”


”Leftism is totalitarian force. Wherever leftism is in a position of power it tends to invade every private corner and force every thought into a leftist mold. In part this is because of the quasi-religious character of leftism: Everything contrary to leftist beliefs represents Sin. More importantly, leftism is a totalitarian force because of the leftists’ drive for power. The leftist seeks to satisfy his need for power through identification with a social movement, and he tries to go through the power process by helping to pursue and attain the goals of the movement (see paragraph 83). But no matter how far the movement has gone in attaining its goals the leftist is never satisfied, because his activism is a surrogate activity (see paragraph 41). That is, the leftist’s real motive is not to attain the ostensible goals of leftism; in reality he is motivated by the sense of power he gets from struggling for and then reaching a social goal. Consequently the leftist is never satisfied with the goals he has already attained; his need for the power process leads him always to pursue some new goal.”

Theodore Kaczynski -
Technological Slavery

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