Steve Bannon

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Steve Bannon

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Репост из: Q


Репост из: London Post
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Members of the public catch police harassing and threatening a shop keeper for not wearing a face mask even though he's clearly behind a plastic cover, hat's off to them for defending against these authoritarian bully boys!


Репост из: Rudy Giuliani
Lead Democrat House impeachment manager sent a letter to former President Donald Trump requesting that he provide "testimony under oath," either before or during the Senate impeachment trial.


Репост из: Great Awakening
NEW: Treasury secretary Janet Yellen, on ABC Thursday morning, warned of “tough months ahead” for the U.S. economy due to the coronavirus.


Репост из: Drain The Swamp News
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Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene: "I also want to tell you 9/11 absolutely happened."


Репост из: Rudy Giuliani
Smartmatic is suing Fox News, three of its top hosts and two former lawyers for former President Donald Trump — Rudy Giuliani and Sidney Powell — for $2.7 billion, charging that the defendants conspired to spread false claims that the company helped steal the U.S. presidential election.


Репост из: Ron DeSantis
NEW: Donald Trump leaves the Screen Actors Guild after a threat to expel his membership from the union for the events at the Capitol. The Screen Actors Guild union was previously criticized by high-level actors such as Mark Hamill, Whoopi Goldberg, and Morgan Freeman for cutting healthcare benefits. (Fox)

"I write to you today regarding the so-called Disciplinary Committee hearing aimed at revoking my union membership. Who cares!" - Trump


Репост из: US Patriots
Who build the cages Joe !!!!!
Who killed millions of innocent in war Joe !!!! Who is responsible for murder of millions of innocent Joe!!!! Joe! Joe! Joe!!!! We'll never forget who's the Central-Banks paid Murder Joe!!!!


Репост из: Memepow
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😂 😎

Репост из: Great Awakening
JUST IN: An executive order signed by President Biden gives the TSA authority to fine anyone who refuses to wear a mask.


Репост из: Secretary Mike Pompeo

Репост из: Memepow
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😂 😎

Репост из: Nodgu
@SABMYK Recognition Signs:

1. On the Right Hand, The Birth-Sign Of All Orion-Kings. A Sign The Chosen One Was Born With. It Was Made By The Orion Fertilization. A Genetically By His Divine fathers Created Line called “The Ring Of True Kings”, To Make Him Regognizable Among All Others. True Kings Don’t Need A Ring, They’re Born With A Ring.


Репост из: Memepow
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😂 😎

Репост из: Great Awakening Official 🔷
NEW: Hunter Biden to publish a memoir on April 6 called “Beautiful Things.” It will focus on substance abuse. (Fox News)


Репост из: Great Awakening
BREAKING: Teenager Greta Thunberg is now facing a criminal conspiracy investigation in India over deleted farmers protest tweets (New York Post)


Репост из: Donald J. Trump Team
Georgenews & Trump in Washington DC!


Репост из: Great Awakening USA 🔷
BREAKING: AOC just emailed her followers to mass-report everyone who tweeted #AlexandriaOcasioSmollet today so Twitter and Facebook will take down any posts criticizing her.


Репост из: John F. Kennedy Jr.

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