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Репост из: The Floating Head
You see this with the language of medicine versus online meme-words. Medical jargon is about enhancing detail and specificity by including very precise anatomical information to describe a problem as completely as possible and prevent it from being confused with similar problems. It sharpens your ability to make fine distinctions.

Meme-words do exactly the opposite, they take complex problems and eradicate all nuance until its just a simple binary of "based" or "cringe".

mcnabb hates the based/cringe binary because he has only ever been on the cringe side of it

yeah i was 100% right that's exactly what they did with this video. keith woods is literally just a darkstalker kaathe sent by the UN.

jesus christ turtleneck legit opens this video with at least a 15 minute exposition dump on half-baked philosophers like Nietzsche and Kant(basic wiki summary reading his audience will either know already or not care about) that so far has led nowhere

Репост из: typhus
let me check back in 22 minutes (im watching this shit on 2x speed) and get back to see how right i am

Репост из: typhus
before even watching keith wood's new video, let me tell you exactly what it is. technology is unstoppable, technology is all powerful, you cannot do anything to stop technology, submit to technology, technology is god, nietzsche told me god wasn't real and now technology is my god

Репост из: Warren Balogh NJP 🔥
Literally no human on Earth hates rap more than I do 😂 and I agree with this. ☝️

I realize a lot of young people were socialized on rap or became young adults with rap as the soundtrack of their youth. It was used as a weapon to ruin White youth but like all weapons it can be used against those who originally designed it. William Pierce got a lot of pushback from people over Resistance Records and the skinhead music he was selling and promoting in the 90s, that it was degenerate etc, but it helped foster a nationalist youth culture at that time. Pierce didn't care for that music personally, he only listened to classical, but he understood the purpose of it. When Goebbels wanted to propagandize to Allied troops, he didn't play German march music over the airwaves, he formed an English language jazz band to play swing music with Nazi lyrics.

Swing music was the rap of its day and if Goebbels wanted to reach today's White youth he would have people making Nazi rap!

bout to make a warren balogh diss track as the first release of my nazi rapper career

ok seriously there is a lot to hate spencer about but anyone who rags on him for his burger choice legit doesn't know wtf they're talking about mushroom and swiss is an excellent choice of burger toppings and this is not even like a niche thing this is a kind of burger you can get at carl's jr/hardee's/five guys/culver's etc. it's a classic burger recipe. so called "americans" who don't know their burger history are suspect tbh.

Seeing how hard video game journalists are shilling against NFTs made me realize something, a big feature of the climate conspiracy is going to be shilling against cryptocurrencies and NFTs for "environmental consequences" (lol implying) because cryptocurrencies, NFTs, and in particular DAOs present major threats to both legacy zionist business and any new centrally planned bolshevik economy: https://www.pcgamer.com/troy-baker-faces-powerful-backlash-over-ai-voice-nft-promotion/

Want to talk about the vaccine? Sure you can go here and do that. Want to talk about jewish conspiracies? Sure you can go here and do that. Want to talk about how the vaccine is a jewish conspiracy? WHOA WHOA WHOA HOLD ON THERE A SECOND GOY!

Репост из: The Floating Head
One common thread among conspiracy theorists is that if you can't categorically rule out all the possible forms of speculation associated with a particular theory, then you must accept the validity of their general assertion.

This is exactly how people tend to argue for the existence of the Holocaust if you back them into a corner.

the holocaust didn't happen 80 years ago retard stfu nobody cares anymore

Репост из: Keith Woods
England 'WILL scrap Covid passes and WFH at the end of the month’ because they are 'hard to justify' now that Omicron is subsiding — with masks on trains and in shops the only curb left
Health Secretary Sajid Javid is said to have concluded that Covid-19 passes for entry to large events and nightclubs in England are no longer needed as the Omicron wave subsides.

when do you get scrapped?

The Daily Talk About Nothing But The Fucking Holocaust For Six Fucking Years, Certainly Don't Talk About Actual Acts of Genocide Towards Whites Like The Vaccine Certainly Don't Imply The Vaccine and The Virus Have Already Killed A Million Americans In Preventable Ways, Just Talk About The Fucking Holocaust, Don't Talk About Anything Else, Eat Potatoes

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