The reality behind private restricted Reddit Blackout after paid API changes done by Steve Huffman or Apollo

Гео и язык канала: Весь мир, Английский

Facts about Reddit / Subreddit and Subreddits, the private / restricted API change made by Steve Huffman and the overevaluated Apollo app by @RoadToPetabyte

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Гео и язык канала
Весь мир, Английский
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Ignorance of the people NEVER end!


What changed after the bullshit people talked related to Reddit API Blackout AND WE WERE THE ONLY ONE IN THE WORLD SAYING THIS WAS BULLSHIT? NOTHING! All works fine like previously, Reddit works on Telegram, if Apollo shit is not available doesn't matter (was already shit before). STOP BEING SHEEPS believing every bullshit! Use your brain instead.

Because currently most people in the world ARE NOT ABLE TO USE THE BRAIN AT ALL! believe every shit! Want to have right without KNOWING NOTHING AND HAVING ZERO EXPERIENCE WITH PROPER SOCIAL NETWORK USAGE

But obviously NO ONE ON THIS PLANET BELIEVED US! like they don't believe us for all other scientific facts we share.

Conclusion: WE ARE SURROUNDED BY IDIOTS that get more ignorant from day to day!

Nope, don't feel that as a provocation. We are simply speaking the facts like they are! and remember NO ONE ON THIS PLANET IS USING INTERNET / SERVICES AND SOCIAL NETWORK LIKE US! NO ONE! Facts not bullshit! Because we prefer to take actions instead of wasting time promoting bullshit opinions. But at the end nothing will change. People are and will remain ignorant! SCIENCE SAID THAT, REALITY IS SHOWING THAT!

And nope, is not just related to Reddit, since people are ignorant almost in everything! like we showed multiple times ...

🤜🤜 (2)

There are still some people with brain, but are 3 cats!

@StopDieWelle and start use your brain once at all!

One thing is sure: on Telegram there is more law, rights, fact check, science, true or official informations etc. than everywhere else.

Many new channels ready to be released too

Because it's time that our planet change! Not only related to the shitty opinion people, big brands, etc. have against Telegram, by discriminating such social at all! without even understand that the features available ARE NOT AVAILABLE ON ANY OTHER SOCIAL NETWORK! and if Durov will implement all suggestions (means even the pro of other socials compared to Telegram now) that we shared years ago, other social could say ciao ciao once at all!

No matter what, if we promote the right, but Pavel still continue to give a shit allowing criminals, spam and similar things ... well, people will continue to discriminate Telegram! So Pavel Durov, it's time you do something to improve Telegram reputation. This doesn't mean sharing all infos to governments, but to stop criminality on Telegram properly.

This doesn't even mean implementing shitty AI that works like shit, where at the end legit content get banned like on Reddit or Facebook ...

It's time to contrast criminality by keeping Telegram quality!

So near this Telegram discrimination, it's time we change about other things too! Criminals need to live behind prisons (or "under the ground" for serious crimes), families need to learn to educate their kids, politicians etc. need to learn to spread less bullshit, our governments need to respect rights and consider all people equal (if not related to crimes / right abuses), CEO need to learn to act without having only money in mind, we need to learn that animals and the planet have the exact same rights like humans! or that it doesn't matter your sex, age, financial situation, etc., we need to learn that the future is more important than just looking to "now" ignoring indirect consequences of our actions (no matter the topic, etc.) ...

It's time to fight FOR A BETTER PLANET WITH CORRECT LAWS, where people can decide when they want to be born and when it's time to die with dignity! without having fear of discrimination, terrorism, criminality, etc. while they live!


The reaction when Google implemented downgrades shutting down various 3. useful browsers? 🖕🍻🏝

When Twitter downgraded API shutting down ton of things? 🖕🍻🏝

When Google implemented login downgrade, shutting down tons of Cloud / E-Mail / etc. apps? 🖕🍻🏝

When Apple ...? 🖕🍻🏝 When Facebook ...? 🖕🍻🏝 When ...? 🖕🍻🏝

There are so many examples! and in this picture we showed just single apps. The results were always the same. We (means most people, not us) give a shit.

2023 Reddit blackout facts to new Steve Huffman API paid changes compared to other similar episodes still available or happened in the past.

Seems a bit the reaction people had to the Ukraine Russia War compared to Israel. Good to do that, but should not happen just rarely for few things.

Please note this is an old post we shared previously with another brand and we post that now related to our message

The Reddit reality after weeks of this mass protest full of bullshit wrote by moderators and others?

a) Nothing changed and people will forget such things really fast, like they always do with all things. Even stats are still the same

b) As always people acted like sheeps under social pressure @StopDieWelle, when at the end ALL WORKS FINE LIKE BEFORE!!! Even all our projects still work fine (this cannot be said with Twitter ..., where the situation is different, but even Twitter still works in part ...). So exactly like we said from the first days using facts and pro complex experience as consumer and creators, not bullshit ideas by average users using just 1 social as consumer

c) Lemmy is used by 3 cats like we said, since THERE IS NO ALTERNATIVE TO REDDIT! even if people continue to list bullshit websites. Yes, maybe they look similar, but ARE NOT THE SAME!

c) People still continue to use Reddit in shitty way, exactly like previously, without getting full benefits with all their amazing features

d) Reddit is still not perfect and the random ban user / subreddit issue is just a good example

e) Yes, Apollo is death ... Still not so tragic, was never a good app for extreme users not looking for basic average workflows. Without talking about issues, that we already reported

f) the real shit full of downgrades is and remains Twitter! (near Facebook and others)

Now it's time to talk about shit social networks and pro pollution social networks that are not fighting for good things. We already talked about Flickr weeks ago, where they disabled all climate changes projects, like all other projects, so no matter the topic.

Flickr is definitely one of the worst in 2023, in fact we included it (months before this story) in the list of social networks that downgraded the service in the last years, near many other (last picture).

Flickr like said prefer to promote abuse / spam / sex / etc. by even banning legit paid accounts, just read Flickr reviews ...

We launched years ago FacebookDisabledMe on Reddit and many other socials, against the no sense random Facebook account ban, even for ads account etc. The same shit problem available on Reddit (obviously on Instagram too, since is made by Meta ...) and in parts on Twitter, no matter if you are a brand, celeb, government ... Tumblr is nothing better too, they act in the same exact way! We never launched new projects on such shit social, but still doesn't change the fact they do that since few years.

We already reported few days ago that Facebook temporary banned Telegram, by disabling various projects, even climate change related, if they contained a Telegram link. So they disabled such things, even when we promoted the official climate change Facebook page ...

Obviously #facebookdisabledme is not fixed at all and still present in 2023! They maybe disable just accounts used to post manually things to Facebook, means you could lose your pages ... No matter who is doing that ...

Well, last social is TikTok, a social network that if you use it as an agency (means multiple brands) they shadow ban all your account with the 0 views issue. Reason why on TikTok there is a lot of bullshit and almost no content with facts released by us, since all is shadow ban, no matter in which language we post or about which topic. So TikTok remain full of bullshit.

In conclusion: Flickr, Meta (Facebook, Instagram), Reddit and TikTok 0 views

Between all socials, Reddit is the worst! It's always down ... even more than Facebook / Meta / WhatsApp / Instagram

Without the fact that stats are back again (WTF Elon Musk ...) changing a brand name will not fix problems, since behind X (new Twitter) there is still Elon Musk ... 2) this post contains bullshit (like the Reddit API bullshit)

a) Reddit and Twitter posts can be still read on third services! (just downgraded)

b) It's not the only social media! Do we want to talk about all "posts marked as SPAM in Reddit, even if you are the owner of the subreddit or an approved user or an admin", "links banned in Reddit, Instagram and Facebook (and other socials like Pinterest for example ...)", videos muted because Meta doesn't own rights, TikTok 0 views issue, Mastodon errors when you want to post things, Instagram fails when you post some pictures / videos, the shit way to manage multiple brands on Instagram, TikTok, in part on Twitter, Vimeo, etc.

So please less bullshit, if you have 0 idea of social networks

Current situation of the Reddit private / restricted blackout protest done after Steve Huffman API changes (09.07.23 - 13.00): over 2000 subreddits are protesting (-9% in 10 days📉)

Measuring the Monetary Value of Online Volunteer Work

Remember that Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Gab, Telegram, Discord, russian socials and all social networks where a group of people can write or posts always require moderation, that get done for free. Facebook don't pay you, Telegram too, and all other are nothing better! So just considering Reddit is fully wrong. Considering the fact that moderation on Reddit still works a bit better than the shitty huge limited moderation on Discord, because Discord is simply an huge limited social network with all features (now a bit better). So yes, this happens on Reddit, but happens everywhere too.

Without now considering topics like that even big companies worked for free at the beginning (or better the real CEOs who founded that), there are tons other thing that get done for free until ... (but even "without until", just think about climate change projects!) is not that just Reddit moderators do that!!!!

Upcoming Reddit blackout and the future of third-party applications

Stevie Chancellor, Ph.D.: “Reddit's decision to charge a hefty fee for API access is harmful to creative use of its API and data. To be clear, there are companies who take advantage of Reddit's dataset and work to benefit only themselves — think of large-scale AI models that use scraped data from all over the internet to make for-profit models. That said, there are a great number of justified parties who should have free and easy API access — researchers and students, people who make tools that make moderators' jobs easier, and any Redditor who uses a third-party app that provides a more accessible browsing experience. ...."

Obviously in such case Apollo would not be included, since is a profit oriented brand. But there are many other that don't do that with profit in mind.

Continúa crisis en Reddit: Usuarios indignados y subreddits cerrados por alza de precios

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At least there are some people that still are able to think properly

First of all, let we cover the bullshit that Reddit iOS apps don't exist anymore (or you need to pay to use them)

1) here 7 shitty bad iOS apps examples

2) all apps have NO additional benefit compared to other not iOS alternative (they are even worse)

3) no app, even the old bad Apollo, integrated Dubsmash technology

4) many apps have display issue of the post similar to the shitty Apollo, so no media showed at all (even if most Apollo users "simply ignore such problem, saying like if Apollo is perfect...")

5) like we said previously and happened with Apollo, does something happen, no data is saved at all

6) some apps have a fucking slow loading time of the media

7) with some apps you cannot search posts at all, just subreddits

8) the reason why some apps exists is really the big question. For sure Apollo, that was not perfect like all people are saying, was 100 better than all these app. Some apps showed here are simply useless

9) some apps show NSFW content without login, some other nope

10) some apps don't autoplay the video and you need to open another tab

11) download button is pretty similar or worse to what Reddit official app is offering. In such case not comparable to old Apollo, 3 socials or other ways to check Reddit

12) productivity of your workflows on such iOS apps is 0 at all and even not comparable using Reddit and multiple browser or other ways (but obviously again not on an shitty iOS browser ...)

Conclusion: stop to use Reddit in a shit way on iOS apps!

Social networks that get downgrades since 2017? Here we go some examples: Reddit, Imgur, Pinterest, Tumblr, Facebook, Instagram, Flickr, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc. get almost just worse. Twitter Community Note is the best 👍 - Social network that want to become better and better: TikTok, Telegram, YouTube (in part)

So is not just about Reddit, like all people think!

Remember, we know that Reddit from various point is shit (as we shared previously), but keep in mind that is not just Steve Huffman fault! Sure Steve Huffman has something to do with that, but even how various people are just shitty using Reddit. Here for example we share a spam usage of Reddit.

You maybe could think "who matters", but NOPE!!!!!!! Remember that the action done by other is influencing you directly too. This is one of the reason why links are banned on Reddit, why they have a shitty spam bot, that marks all as spam, even if you are the admin or an approved user, random subreddits / accounts banned, etc. Every single action is important. Because remember, one people (yes, just one people) could launch a nuclear bomb, and the life of tons of people will change with such action. If we now consider that such things are not done just by one people, but many persons, all that is getting worse and this is even why socials get shit and shit with the time.

So people, please stop to do such shit that has no benefit for social networks, people are not interested on it and you are really spamming your content. This is the real spam on social networks, not what some moderators on big subreddits are defining as spam, just because they have some other ideas about a specific topic or whatever and if you look the content or the way is shared, is not spam at all! The same shit is happening even on Discord, but on other socials too.

We need to say honestly that not all people are choosing which meals they want to eat, means they don't comment, like, subscribe or whatever (especially productive people who don't want to waste time with such things), like they do it on YouTube and other socials, newspapers, etc. = just check posts. This is an huge difference, and for that you don't need API at all. 3rd party apps can work without API too. So all infos need to be shared, not just 50%!
Plus always related to this "You need a waiter to take your order and bring it to you", people should even start learning to use Reddit search feature once at all. Most people are simply not using it at all.

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Reddit is running out of patience with protesting moderators

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