Reiner Fuellmich 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺

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Категория: Политика

Official engl. channel, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, German/American Lawyer and co-founder:
Responsible in terms of press law: Dr. Reiner Fuellmich.

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Donald Trump has threatened to colonize Greenland and make it a US territory, even though 85% of people there oppose this. Ben Norton explains the geopolitical and economic reasons: the USA wants to block China from the Arctic region and to profit from the territory's natural resources, especially critical minerals needed for new supply chains and advanced technologies.

Репост из: Dr Roger Hodkinson
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"This [is] the brilliance of this bioweapon [the COVID jabs]... It goes to every part of your body—it will hit you at whatever your point of susceptibility is... [there are] 1,287 side effects... This [is] the most evil assault upon humanity that anybody could imagine."

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Репост из: "Das Original"🇨🇭Unabhängige Analysen und Informationen zu Geopolitik, Wirtschaft, Gesundheit, Technologie
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🇪🇺☄️🇩🇪Nach Rede von Aphrodite Latinopoulou (PfE) meldet sich ein Deutscher mit einem Einwand, der nichts mit dem Thema zu tun hat. Offensichtlich hatte er keine anderen Argumente.

👉In einer leidenschaftlichen und unverblümten Rede kritisierte Aphrodite Latinopoulou (PfE) die Migrationspolitik der EU und prangerte die illegale Einwanderung als Bedrohung für die Identität, die Sicherheit und die Werte Europas an.

Репост из: FallCabal Official Channel

Hahaha, can someone maybe explain to Bill that the government funding of most projects of ASAID was stopped due to fraud/money laundering/mismanagement....
He doesn't need to 'fill the gaps'... He just needs to find another way to make profits with YOUR money...
Expose Bill! We needed a lot of episodes of the Sequel to do just that!

Репост из: FallCabal Official Channel
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The 'new normal' after Covid seems to be that we are poisoned at the much higher level.
This is NOT NORMAL!!
Dengue, bird flue, Marburg, whatever they come up with; The solution lays in boosting your immune system, NOT in poisoning the environment!
U.S., Israel interested in Sudan, Somalia and Syria for resettlement of Gazans, sources say
President Trump has repeatedly said the Gaza Strip is uninhabitable.

Репост из: Tucker Carlson Network
There’s enormous pressure on the United States to participate in a brand new war against Iran. The government of Qatar thinks that’s unwise, so of course they’re being slandered relentlessly in American media. Qatar’s prime minister, Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani, explains.

Watch the full episode here:

lasset das Durchforsten beginnen
📂 ‼️ Die JFK-Akten wurden soeben veröffentlicht

👉 JFK Assassination Records - 2025 Documents Release 👈

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Trump sagt, alle JFK-Akten werden morgen freigegeben.

Репост из: Gatzka Anett
Wie Sharon Tate als sexueller Köder benutzt wurde (ohne ihr Wissen), um Bobby Kennedy in den Tod zu locken.

Показано 20 последних публикаций.