Репост из: Afternoon.
Citius, altius, fortius. Acta est fabula, plaudite! Faster, higher, stronger. The play is over, applaud! Something that we’ve been waiting for months is finally out. The 12 beautiful young ladies have made their amazing comeback with their album “Paint The Town” and as expected, they’re never disappointing! At this time, fascinating concept fits them well as lovely girls: charming, enchanting, and classy. They’re like wildflowers that grow exquisitely without bridle, elegant noblewomen at the threshold of ballroom filled with euphonic violin melodies, shining stars upon murky night sky. I can’t exactly describe how astonishing this comeback, it’s truly ineffable. Every member was exposed with different concept that can radiate their own vibes, this surely can make all of the Orbits fall in love over and over again with them, including me. They did a great excellent job to impress everyone in this comeback. Congratulations for the successful comeback, LOONA! I also congratulating for their most dainty roleplayers, covers; Eloise, Mera, Kaluna, Mikeyla, Gangga, Sofia, Sora, Machiniko, Hydeara, Bellie, Razen, Vivi, Ohel, Jiya, Iris, Jemiko, Shafay, Citra, Lyn, Keyibie, Jeanne, Shabiya, Elvenia, Jevellyn, Jehala, Leyyaa, Bonnie, Maelie, Jenifara, Hanin, Canora, Nala, Jeminke, Joelya, Erika, Damianne.