### Idioms& phrases##
(1) A slap on the wrist- Mild punishment
(2) An eye wash- A pretence
(3) All right- Acceptable, Okay
(4) Bite your tongue- To avoid talking
(5) Blue moon- A long time, Rare event
(6) For good- Forever, Permanently
(7) For sure- Without doubt
(8) Egg on- To urge somebody
(9) In the family way- Pregnant
(10) Beside the mark- Irrelevant
##$# One Word Substitution
(1) Study of population- Demography
(2) One who believes that nothing can be said about god- Agnostic
(3) Hand writing that can be easily read- Legible
(4) One who believes that pre destined- Fatalist
(5) Intelligent and intellectual class of society- Intelligentisia
(6) Woman who is incharge of nursing and domestic arrangement in a hospital- Matron
(7) One who uses violence to achieve political aims- Vanal
(8) Art of pottery- Ceramics
(9) Persons who desings Building- Architect
(10) One who makes speeches- Orator
(1)Repast- Meal, Food
(2) Nexus- Link, bond
(3) Laconic- Brief, In short
(4) Affluent- Rich, prosperous
(5) Choleric- Hot tempered, quick to anger, peevish
(6) Discrete- separate, not connected, distinct
(7) Despondent- extremely depressed, full of despair
(8) Edify- To enlighten, to instruct
(9) Acrane- Secret, Hidden
(1) A slap on the wrist- Mild punishment
(2) An eye wash- A pretence
(3) All right- Acceptable, Okay
(4) Bite your tongue- To avoid talking
(5) Blue moon- A long time, Rare event
(6) For good- Forever, Permanently
(7) For sure- Without doubt
(8) Egg on- To urge somebody
(9) In the family way- Pregnant
(10) Beside the mark- Irrelevant
##$# One Word Substitution
(1) Study of population- Demography
(2) One who believes that nothing can be said about god- Agnostic
(3) Hand writing that can be easily read- Legible
(4) One who believes that pre destined- Fatalist
(5) Intelligent and intellectual class of society- Intelligentisia
(6) Woman who is incharge of nursing and domestic arrangement in a hospital- Matron
(7) One who uses violence to achieve political aims- Vanal
(8) Art of pottery- Ceramics
(9) Persons who desings Building- Architect
(10) One who makes speeches- Orator
(1)Repast- Meal, Food
(2) Nexus- Link, bond
(3) Laconic- Brief, In short
(4) Affluent- Rich, prosperous
(5) Choleric- Hot tempered, quick to anger, peevish
(6) Discrete- separate, not connected, distinct
(7) Despondent- extremely depressed, full of despair
(8) Edify- To enlighten, to instruct
(9) Acrane- Secret, Hidden