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If we were to follow the leftie, Looney reasoning that racism can only be experienced by those not supported by systemic power then it is precisely white people who are the only ones who can experience racism.

The system of media is biased against whites.
The leagal system is biased against whites.
The education system is biased against whites.
The corporate system conforms itself to the anti white bias to accommodate the will of the governmental system.

The leftist narrative is that whites are an oppressor class and that all non whites are an oppressed class.
What would happen if a large collective of whites decided to opt out of their supposed "oppressorship"? To remove themselves from this system?
Ruby Ridge is what would happen! We would by hunted down, possibly murdered and if not murdered, forced back into this system by the "oppressed ones".
"Imagine if you will" a position of oppressor, so vile, so dispicable, that you are forced to participate in the role of oppressor by the oppressed.

Its because this anti white system would collapse without being able to vampirically extort us of our energy and the artificial acting role of 'guilty oppressor' is a way to enhance that energetic extortion process.

Репост из: The Noticer
“White people can’t experience racism in a country where the systemic power structure supports white people” - Mia “I’m actually finishing my PhD in the legal construction of race and whiteness” Brett (QueenMab87)

Репост из: Esoteric National Socialism
"Our initiatory circle is aware of the Kalki Avatar, the tenth incarnation of the Sustainer Lord Vishnu, he who restores order, upon the earth. St. Savitri made it clear in her works that the Fuhrer Adolf Hitler was this final incarnation and he will come again to the world as the final aspect of the completion of all religious eschatology in fire and blood to restore the Dharma. Those who deny this have merely had their eyes and ears blocked by the Demiurge, they are robots, subincarnatory insectoid lifeforms, masquerading as humans, mere dross that will be brushed away at the Last Day."

Will we dare to penetrate the darkness of the greatest mystery of all? Who are the Jews, really? For Alfred Rosenberg they are the organic lie. And Nicolás Palacios, author of Raza Chilena, years before at the beginning of the 20th Century, also asserted that: "the Jew can never tell the truth," recommending that before reading a book we should learn its author and, "if it's a Jew, do not read it, because it is false." Among the millions of beings populating the Earth, who is a Jew? Not an animal (although he could be a sheidim [1]); he is not a human being either. He is most probably a "robot," in the service of Jehovah, an extraterrestrial being. And as such he has to obey his orders, if he is to continue in existence.


"Today is December 25th, 2002, in the Judeo-Christian Era. The Christians celebrate the birth of a Child-God they call Jesus, who will later become the "Kristos." For almost twenty centuries this has been imposed, insisted upon, believed. For those who were born and lived under this belief, it would seem impossible that it is not true, that none of this ever happened, that this temple-construction is based on a carefully elaborated lie, forged from its beginnings, and later modified and projected by the Archetype. And it is precisely now, after two thousand years of imposing the most terrible sense of guilt upon the Western Aryan world for the murder of a "God-Man" and destroying old cultures and pagan civilizations in his name, here in the Americas and throughout the entire globe, that these very same manipulators who enslaved the soul of almost the entire Earth, are announcing that none of this was ever true, because the basis of that story, that "tale," never existed. And for this they rely on the most recent archaeological and anthropological investigations."


Compare this word slop considered to be poetry, that is typical of jewish "poetry", to the profound poetic craftsmanship of Ezra Pound.

We went from the astounding musical masterpieces of Richard Wagner who expanded harmonic language with extensive chromaticism and a seamless symphonic flow in his operas, to fucking fiddler on the roof,  which is a disjointed rhythmically obnoxious expression of greed, materialism and a dissatisfaction of resistance to being able to insert yourself into someone else's culture.
The jew, and by contamination, all abrahamist, have an aversion to nature, the rhythms of nature and the natural expression of beauty that comes from conformity to natures rhythmic expression.
The jew seeks out beauty, undermines it, and replaces it with with unharmonious expressions of disdain for nature and anyone who appreciates and expresses her beauty.

Репост из: The Noticer
Fam, yesterday this channel reached another milestone: 2,000 subscribers. I am humbled by your support and encouraged to see more and more of our people waking up to the truth. Together, our noticing powers are increasing exponentially

This is my fly under the Facebook radar meme.

Репост из: Deep Green Resistance (DGR)

I am finding it very difficult to find brown button up shirts in department stores.

Репост из: The Noticer
“We are in a war between those who choose to be human and those who choose to be white” > “white genocide is good as hell” - Verified Communist/Antifa Podcaster and Pornographer Jamie Peck (jamie_elizabeth). Verified folks, let that sink in

Репост из: Неизвестно

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