📝 Sheikh Abu Muhammad Al Maqdisi:
The Great Quran is all about #Tawheed
Al Allaamah Ibn Qayyim said:
“Every Ayah in the Quran contains #Tawheed, testifying to it and calling towards it. So the Quran is either:
👉 information about Allah and His Names, His attributes and His actions, and that is the #Tawheed of knowledge and information (by believing in them)
👉or it contains a call to worship Allah alone without associating any partner to Him and to discard all that is worshipped instead of Him, and that is the #Tawheed of intent and seeking (by seeking from Allah alone)
👉or it contains commands and prohibitions and obligation of obedience to Him in His prohibitions and His commands, which are the rights of #Tawheed and its completion
👉or it contains information about how Allah honoured the people who believed in Tawheed and obeyed Him and how He dealt with them in this world and how He will honour them in the Hereafter, which is the reward of #Tawheed
👉or it contains information about the people of Shirk and what He did to them in this world by punishment and the torment that will come to them in the Hereafter, which is the information about the one who left the rules of #Tawheed
Hence the Quran is all about #Tawheed, its rights and its rewards, and about Shirk, its people and their punishment”
Madaarij u-Saalikeen 3/450
🍃القرآن العظيم كله في #التوحيد
قال العلامة ابن القيم:
"كل آية في القرآن فهي متضمّنة #للتوحيد شاهدة به داعية إليه، فإنّ القرآن:
👈إمَّا خبر عن الله وأسمائه وصفاته وأفعاله فهو #التوحيد العلمي الخبري،
👈وإمَّا دعوة إلى عبادته وحده لا شريك له وخلع كل ما يعبد من دونه فهو #التوحيد الإرادي الطلبي،
👈وإمَّا أمر ونهي وإلزام بطاعته في نهيه وأمره فهي حقوق #التوحيد ومكملاته،
👈وإمَّا خبر عن كرامة الله لأهل توحيده وطاعته وما فعل بهم في الدنيا وما يكرمهم به في الآخرة فهو جزاء #توحيده،
👈وإمَّا خبر عن أهل الشرك وما فعل بهم في الدنيا من النكال وما يحل بهم في العقبى من العذاب ؛فهو خبر عمن خرج عن حكم #التوحيد،
فالقرآن كله في #التوحيد وحقوقه وجزائه
وفي شأن الشرك وأهله وجزائهم."اهـ
مدارج السالكين 3 / 450
The Great Quran is all about #Tawheed
Al Allaamah Ibn Qayyim said:
“Every Ayah in the Quran contains #Tawheed, testifying to it and calling towards it. So the Quran is either:
👉 information about Allah and His Names, His attributes and His actions, and that is the #Tawheed of knowledge and information (by believing in them)
👉or it contains a call to worship Allah alone without associating any partner to Him and to discard all that is worshipped instead of Him, and that is the #Tawheed of intent and seeking (by seeking from Allah alone)
👉or it contains commands and prohibitions and obligation of obedience to Him in His prohibitions and His commands, which are the rights of #Tawheed and its completion
👉or it contains information about how Allah honoured the people who believed in Tawheed and obeyed Him and how He dealt with them in this world and how He will honour them in the Hereafter, which is the reward of #Tawheed
👉or it contains information about the people of Shirk and what He did to them in this world by punishment and the torment that will come to them in the Hereafter, which is the information about the one who left the rules of #Tawheed
Hence the Quran is all about #Tawheed, its rights and its rewards, and about Shirk, its people and their punishment”
Madaarij u-Saalikeen 3/450
🍃القرآن العظيم كله في #التوحيد
قال العلامة ابن القيم:
"كل آية في القرآن فهي متضمّنة #للتوحيد شاهدة به داعية إليه، فإنّ القرآن:
👈إمَّا خبر عن الله وأسمائه وصفاته وأفعاله فهو #التوحيد العلمي الخبري،
👈وإمَّا دعوة إلى عبادته وحده لا شريك له وخلع كل ما يعبد من دونه فهو #التوحيد الإرادي الطلبي،
👈وإمَّا أمر ونهي وإلزام بطاعته في نهيه وأمره فهي حقوق #التوحيد ومكملاته،
👈وإمَّا خبر عن كرامة الله لأهل توحيده وطاعته وما فعل بهم في الدنيا وما يكرمهم به في الآخرة فهو جزاء #توحيده،
👈وإمَّا خبر عن أهل الشرك وما فعل بهم في الدنيا من النكال وما يحل بهم في العقبى من العذاب ؛فهو خبر عمن خرج عن حكم #التوحيد،
فالقرآن كله في #التوحيد وحقوقه وجزائه
وفي شأن الشرك وأهله وجزائهم."اهـ
مدارج السالكين 3 / 450