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Репост из: Cosmic Railway
August 2, 1999 is the day where a baby boy was born into the world to bring happiness in the future. It was a joyous occasion that he grew with love and affection from his loved ones, raised into a man that is successful despite his young age, pursuing his career as an idol of personages.

He is recruited to be a member that leads every man's jack with the feel of leadership. Being grateful is sometimes hard and worshiping God is rarely done these days but hopefully he changed me onto a better person also to become my mood booster in the days where I need someone.

Happy Birthday, to all Mark Lee Rp-ers, especially : 𝗞𝗮𝗱𝗲𝘁𝗼, 𝗥𝗮𝗴𝗮𝘀, 𝗚𝗲𝗮𝗻𝗼, 𝗝𝗼𝗻𝗲𝘁, 𝗗𝗲𝗮𝗻, 𝗝𝗮𝘃𝗶𝗲𝗿, 𝗥𝗮𝗴𝗼𝘀, 𝗔𝘇𝗿𝗮, 𝗝𝗮𝘅𝗲𝗻, 𝗗𝗲𝗳𝗮𝘇, 𝗕𝗮𝗿𝗴𝗮, 𝗘𝗿𝗶𝗸, 𝗝𝗼𝗿𝗱𝗮𝗻, 𝗠𝗮𝗿𝗮𝗸𝗵𝗮, 𝗛𝗮𝗿𝘃𝗲𝘆, 𝗠𝗮𝗹𝘃𝗶𝗻, 𝗝𝗼𝘀𝘂𝗮, 𝗠𝗮𝗹𝘃, 𝗞𝗲𝗻𝘇𝗼, 𝗝𝗲𝗿𝗲𝗺𝘆, 𝗬𝗼𝘀𝗵𝘂𝗮, 𝗦𝘆𝗺, 𝗙𝗮𝘁𝗵𝘂𝗿, 𝗥𝗮𝗳𝗹𝗶, 𝗚𝗮𝗿𝗲𝗹, 𝗥𝗮𝘇𝗮𝗻, 𝗞𝗼𝗳𝗮𝗿, 𝗗𝗮𝗺𝗮𝗿𝗶𝗮𝗻, 𝗥𝗮𝗺𝗮, 𝗞𝗮𝗶, 𝗠𝗶𝗴𝘂𝗲𝗹, 𝗠𝗮𝗿𝗸𝗮, 𝗘𝘇𝗲𝗸𝗶𝗲𝗹, 𝗗𝗮𝗻𝗶𝗲𝗹, 𝗠𝗿𝗮𝘃𝗲, 𝗠𝗮𝗿𝗸𝗮𝗿𝗲𝘀, 𝗩𝗲𝗴𝗮𝘀, 𝗝𝗮𝘆𝗱𝗲𝗻, 𝗥𝗮𝘀𝗵𝗸𝗲𝗹, 𝗥𝗲𝘆𝗵𝗮𝗻, 𝗝𝗮𝘆𝗳𝗶𝗼𝗻, 𝗚𝗶𝗮𝗻, 𝗠𝗮𝗹𝗱𝗵𝗮𝘃𝗮, 𝗠𝗮𝗿𝗸𝗮𝘃𝗶𝗮𝗻, 𝗚𝗮𝗻𝘁𝗿𝗮, 𝗧𝗮𝗸𝗮, 𝗭𝗲𝗼𝗿𝗴𝗮𝗻, 𝗔𝗿𝗱𝗵𝗮𝗻.

With many love,
Ester Domique

Репост из: kayleen's
Happiest Birthday to Mark Lee from NCT and all Mark Lee rp-ers especially Dikta, Raka, Morgan, Marcus, Marchel, Gaska, Geano, Vegas, Kofar, Jaegar, Atlas, Rialam, Joriffer, Karrel, Raden, Aldegaf, Mara, Damar, Vilon, Galatra, Kadeto, Athala, Jeremy, Marka, Matthew, Ibam, Jordan, Nahen, Dhino, Hansen, Ardhan, Justin, and Sagara. Enjoy your special day.

Репост из: ★ Tᥱust¡c
Happy birthday Mark Lee Also happy birthday to him RP-ers especially for Me, Mareshtian, Malvin, Jegar, Zegran, Ardhan, Marcus

Thank you for potraying Mark very well, enjoy your day !

Репост из: Be There For You
August 2nd is NCT's ACE birthday! Let me wish a happy birthday for Mark Lee and Mark Lee roleplayers, especially: me, Marenzo, Rafdan, Miguel, Adicakra, Kale, Raden, Ardhan, Markavian, and Marakew.

손을 맞대 make a wish!

Hopefully your day is filled with happiness and supports. For Mark Lee roleplayers, thank you for potraying him well. Let's enjoy our special day!

Репост из: Sarcasm
Happy birthday to Mark Lee also for all Mark Lee rp-ers esp Myself, Rafdan, Haikal, Markji, Justin, Raden, Elden, Mave, Dean, Jeremy, Malvindra, Max, Mars, Theogarz, Arkana, Mrave, Marakha, Malv, Mareshtian, Rahesa, Aufa, Markana, Jordan, Hansen, Drazhan, Albin, Dipta, Kale, Keenandra, Marcus, Maxime, Panca, Resa, Ryder, Sagara, Travis, Ardan, Damar, Morgan, Marcell, Genta, Rajendra, Rahesa, Meradipta, Malik.

Thank you for your hard work so far, i hope you are always surrounded by good people like yourself. Enjoy your party guys! God bless you.

Репост из: Memories
On August 2nd in 1999, a boy with charming charisma was born into this beautiful world, everyone knows him as Lee Min-Hyung or Mark Lee from NCT and SuperM. Happy birthday to Mark Lee and all Mark Lee rpers especially :

Me, Rialam, Marakha, Andra, Ardhan, Markji, Jagsa, Marcus, Marakew, Jonet, Bayu, Markavin.

May God bless Mark Lee and all of you, enjoy your special day. Don't forget to blow up your candle guys.

Репост из: Rolling Stones.

Happy Birthday for Mark Lee / Lee Minyung!
Yippee your birthday is finally here. It is time to party! It is time to sing and dance, and it is time for birthday bumps! May you have a delicious and partylicious birthday! Wishing you long life, happiness, health and succes. Thank you for working hard and spreading lots of love, God Bless u.

This Wishes to Mark Lee & Mark Lee rp–ers esp, Me, Jeon, Rama, Miracle, Maraka, Derpan, Dhino, Aksara, Saddam, Bagja, Raheja, Margo, Aarav, Ryan, Dion, Naven, Marakew, Marcus, Astalingga, Ardhan, Marakha, Karelio, Ragas, Jeremy, Aksara, Albin, Mawshie, Putra, Markaiden, Aksa, Bandung, Jayden, Markana, Rava.

Be Greatful and always happy. Enjoy ur Special Day Guys!

Репост из: Toronto Pride.
ㅤ The past has come and gone, and the best years are yet to come. 22 years ago, on the day that he was born, many people laugh and feel so emotional because of him weep. Today, twenty two years have passed but there is still so many people who is feeling happy and feeling so emotional just because amazing day.

ㅤHappy Birthday to Mark Lee of NCT and all too Mark Lee rp-ers especially for Garel, Arka, Drazhan, Miko, Malv, Jonathan, Syarief, Mareshtian, Ragas, Arsey, Damar, Marcell, Mario, Markavi, Matthew, Marjo, Jesse, Astalingga, Rajendra, Jaegar, Rajendra, Abay, Mahendra, Ardhan, Zeorgan, Jake, Marcell, Rakas, Rialam, Jasper, Morgan, Maguel, Markavin, Genta, Markaiden, Karelio, Rajaska, Aksara, Maxime, Vesper, Jordan, Dion, Albin, Marcus, Naven, Marakew, and Raden.

ㅤIn this special day, I hope you get all whatever you have ever desired to have. I wish you all the world happiness, may you enjoy this fantastic day as much as you can. and I hope you can be better at roleplaying as Lee Minhyung from NCT. Hopefully you'll be kept away from problems that only make Lee Minhyung's impression bad.

Sincerely, Marakha Al-Ghiffari.

Репост из: Toronto Pride.

Репост из: Canada night
happy level up to Mark Lee and also Mark Lee rp-ers esp :

me, razen, kenan, malvian, januar, atlas, pramu, abri, ryan, margo, jayden, raden, maraka, marcus, dion, aksara, marakha, astalingga, hika, zeandra, ardhan, markaiden, saddam, aldegaf.

God bless you and wish you all the best🤍🤍, i hope you can use your faceclaim well and properly.

— with love ragass.

Репост из: ⎙ ┊ 𝐋 𝐀 𝐂 𝐔 𝐍 𝐀
Today, on August 2, a boy named Mark Lee celebrates his 23rd birthday. On your special day, I wish you:

♡. 12 months of health
♡. 52 weeks of luck
♡. 365 days of optimism
♡. 8.760 hours of love
♡. 525.600 minutes of peace
♡. 31.536.000 seconds of happiness.

Let your all the dreams to be on fire and light your birthday candles with that. Happiest of birthday! 🤍🤍

And also Happy Birthday for him rpers, esp: Abriel, Mafka, Mave, Daniel, Arsey, Mahendra, Mareshtian, Marakha, Jake, Astalingga, Rafdan, Marjo, Marcell, Jaegar, Matthew, Genta, Jesse, Rajendra, Jasper, Rialam, Aldyth, Damar, Raka, Albin, Caze, Morgan, Kale, Jordan, Ardhan, Saddam, Karelio, Arv, Marka, Markaiden, Drazhan, Geano, Andra, Miguel, Mrave, Mada, Zeorgan, Atlas, Maxime, Markavin, Sagara, and Maraka.

With Love, Alara.

Репост из: Canada's Pride
Guess who's gonna blow out more candles today? Yes. You're right. Our baby lion, Mark Lee. Just 22 years ago, this beloved man was born. Let's congratulate Mark Lee for circling the sun in one circle. Congratulations to Mark Lee, and let's hope everything good comes to him every time of his life. Let's hope there's more candles he's blowing and that he can buy beautiful, beautiful cakes every year. I also congratulate all of Mark Lee's hard copies, especially Regan, Naven, Malva, Miracle, Margo, Abri, Marestian, Ardhan, Astalingga, Marakha, Marcel, Markaiden, Karelio, Aksara, Albin, Dion, Marcus, Marakew, Raden, Jesse and another Mark rpers. enjoy your cake guys!

Репост из: k a l e
★☆ Happy Bornday to Nct's Canadian Boy a.k.a Mark Lee / Lee Minhyung and all Mark rp – ers especially for Me, Karelio, Kadeto, Marenzo, Malek, Sean, Hansen, Margo, Bian, Rialam, Malvian, Matthew, Marcell, Aldyth, Hazel, Galih, Daniel, Rafdan, Zarvin, Nahen, Malden, Dimas, Theogarz, Joraz, Ardhan, Maldhava, Raden, Miguel, Dipta, Raihan, Marka, Ryder, Marcus, Adef, Pawdizzle. I hope you can portrayed Mark Lee well and wisely. God bless you and wish you all the best. May your day will always blessed!! ☆★
‎ ‌‎ ‌‎ ‌‎ ‎

Репост из: Maps.
On this wonderful second day of August, our rapper Mark Lee is growing up. Happy birthday to Mark Lee and all his rp-ers especially for Me, Alam, Karelio, Rafdan, Marcell, Marcus, Marakha & Ardhan.

May god bless you, and wish you all the best. Have a blissful birthday guys!

Репост из: – 𝐀
Today, 2 august 2021 our rapper from Canada NCT Mark Lee is birthday. Have a very amazing birthday for Mark Lee and all he's duplicate.
Esp; Me, Ragas, Reksa, Atlas, Ardan, Mada, Razen, Andra, Resa, Kale, Dhino, Rezvan, Vegas, Mahendra, Mareshtian, Marcell, Rajen, Rajendra, Jordan, Astalingga, Sanjaya, Ardhan, Markaiden, Markavin, Pawdizzle.
Happy growing, May you be blessed. Enjoy all the cakes, hugs, love and happiness today. You deserve it. All the best for you.

Репост из: The XXII. Absinth
Monday, 02 August 2021
Today candles burning on a small fire, one of greatest and humble man was born. Happy birthday to Mark Lee and also to all rp-ers who use Mark Lee as their muse, especially :
Radif, Joraz, Haikal, Miracle, Zarvin, Galatra, Sadam, Theogarz, Javier, Morgan, Rama, Zeandra, Jakarta, Atlas, Kalenzo, Ejaz, Markaiden, Hikaru, Ryan, Aufa, Miko, Raheja, Ragaska, Agra, Rafdan, Ghaffa, Karelio, Markavin, Rialam, Marakha, Astalingga, Mahendra, Abri, Miguel, Ardhan, Jegar, Oriza, Mada, Aksara, Albin, Akew, Marjo, Zavian, Malvian, Fatur, Gabriel.
You deserve every good thing whenever, wherever you go. Hope you all will always be able to portray him well. May God Bless you and grant your every wish with all goodness.

Regards, Mareshtian

Репост из: Nicholas
ㅤHappy Birthday to Mark Lee of NCT and all too Mark Lee rp-ers especially for Me, Karelio, and Ardhan

Репост из: Lake Of Fire
Happy Birthday for Mark Lee and Mark Lee rp-ers esp Dion, Marcus, Astalingga, Ardhan, Karelio, Sael, and Marakew.

Happy birthday to the most handsome man on earth. On this special day, hope you’re blessed with love, luck, and joy. You deserve the best because you’re so special. I hope that on your birthday this time, you will open a new page for more beautiful and happier story. Remain grateful for everything that God has given, hopefully all your dreams can be granted. I hope you'll always be happy and stay healthy. And also i hope you can use your character wisely. Enjoy your day bro. Once again, Happy Level Up.

Репост из: Relapse.
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Right on Monday, August 2st, he been reborn into the world of a human with many features in him, the aura that only he has makes him look unique and is the target of many people out there. Exactly on this day, he has grown one year older than his previous age, today is a happy day for him, his birthday which is celebrated by most souls on this earth.

Happy birthday to Mark Lee and all Mark Lee RP-ers especially for me (Morgan) and Sean, Adicakra, Markavin, Malvian, Reksa, Raden, Kalenzo, Dean, Maraka, Markavian, Rava, Karelio, Marakha, Rafdan, Alam, Ardhan, Mareshtian, Matthew, Ryder, Ridin, Naven, Malva, Max, Ezekiel, Zeorgan, Markaiden, Rajef, Haikal, Aksara and Rezvan. May you all always be protected from the evil that exists, may you always be happy, thank you for wanting to survive until now and thank you for wanting to be someone's reason to be happy and stay alive, the most important thing is to always take care of your health and be enthusiastic in overcoming obstacles in your life . Enjoy your day!

Репост из: Doldrums
FINALLY! The day has come. 22 years ago, 2nd august 1999. A beautiful name has also been given to him, Happy Birthday to Mark Lee. On your birthday i wish u the best for everything i wish you a wonderful year ahead. Thank you for being the strongest and the source of our energy. Happy birthday, May you have lots of love, laughter, and Happiness.

⋆ — ⋆⋆ and special for all Mark Lee rp-ers, especially Me, Marakha, Moreo, Rialam, Ardhan, Markaiden, Marka, Pascal, Mareshtian, Mada, Rajaska, Jesse, Mahendra, Astalingga, Joriffer, Rajendra, Arsey, Mikey, Harvey, Sadam, Aufa, Aldegaf, Nahen, Rayven, Malvian, Arvin, Bian, Atlas, Razen, Areksa, Matthew, Aksa, Marvin, Markavin, Dhino, Hansen, Geano, Jexelard, Gavinliel, Maheka, Rayyen, Ragos, Reza, Jonathan, Andez, Rashkel, Abri, Malva, Jonet, Maestra, Marxie, Mike, Magu, Naven, Adjie, Ojan, Travis, Kalenzo, Aldio, Marakew, Vilon, Miguel, Atha, Athala. Hope you guys always be happy, dont forget to smile, stay healthy and enjoy your special day.

With Love, Albin.

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