due to @telegram's new privacy policy officially declare that this channel is only made for RolePlaying purposes only. and I also state that I am not the real Kim Chaewon. all media taken here comes from Google, Pinterest, Instagram and other platforms.
Honestly this channel contains random Content, Broken english, Typo, CW // HARSWORD, CAPS, etc.
Make sure you're not a grammar police, can't be joked around, Promblematic, RPRL Area, etc. if you are one of them please leave my channel, and don't forget to remove me from your channel.
due to @telegram's new privacy policy officially declare that this channel is only made for RolePlaying purposes only. and I also state that I am not the real Kim Chaewon. all media taken here comes from Google, Pinterest, Instagram and other platforms.
Honestly this channel contains random Content, Broken english, Typo, CW // HARSWORD, CAPS, etc.
Make sure you're not a grammar police, can't be joked around, Promblematic, RPRL Area, etc. if you are one of them please leave my channel, and don't forget to remove me from your channel.