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Still wrong

I'm talking about pagan Athens, not as it is now btw.

Golden Dawn had a lot of issues with Athens antfa. Outside of the city its pretty Orthdox

I don't think anyone denies this. Athens is the only gay place in Greece if I am not mistaken, and even then only the intelligentsia were sodomites, a common trend throughout most civilizations.

Dare We Hope Athenians Aren't Gay

Sure they went through an age of decadence but a lot of notion that Greeks and Rmans were gay is an jewish undermine of Western Civilization

Unanimous Consent of the Fathers + Observance of gay Athenians

I mean you are coping if you think Greeks aren't gay.

Yellowstone is our Somma volcano

Oh no, somebody disagreed with a Saint! He must be a heretic!

Brev seething hard knowing Chrysostom can be wrong

could be us

One of the few good vids that Jew hyperborea esoteric guy made was on Pompeii

Pompeii was literally the most degenerate of Greek cities

(Literally was turned into ash)

Pompeii was another Sodom and Gamorah prove me wrong

Harambe, is having romance and intimate contact with minor males a little bit gay at the very least?

(Harambe disagrees with St John Chrysostom (the saint who gave the now transcribed homilies in Adversos Judeaos))



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