Репост из: “Name For Us Your Men”
(من نسي وهو صائم فأكل أو شرب فليتم صومه فإنما أطعمه الله وسقاه)
"Whoever forgets that he is fasting, and eats or drinks is to complete his fast, as it was Allah who fed him and gave him something to drink."
And from that is taking medication which the fasting person swallows or is injected through the rectum; which enters the abdomen, such as pills, liquids, and medicinal I.V. that enter ones abdomen, then indeed doing so breaks ones fast.
Similarly, injections that nourish breaks the fast because it falls under the meaning of food and drink. The same also for injections that’s taken through the veins because it mixes with blood and precedes to the body; this also breaks the fast. As for injections that’s taken under the skin or muscle then this doesn’t affect the fast.
And likewise among the things which break the fast is what’s extracted from the stomach, such as vomiting through the mouth whereby the fasting person vomits what’s in his stomach through the mouth. Thus, if he vomits (deliberately) then he breaks his fast, as for if he’s overcome by the vomit without choice then this doesn’t effect his fast.
Likewise from the invalidators of the fast is extraction of semen by way of sexual intercourse, or by way of the secret sin (masturbation), or by way of looking, repeatedly looking, continuously looking at women. So because of that it causes him to ejaculate due to it being a type of intercourse that causes the emitting of desires caused by the person himself, ejaculation caused by himself, thus his fast breaks because of it, seeing as from what is (also meant to) be fasted from is desires.
Allah the Most High said in the Hadith Qudsi regarding the fasting person:
(يدع شهوته وطعامه وشرابه من أجلي)
“He left off his desires, food, and drink for my sake”
So just as he leaves off food and drink, then likewise he leaves off the emitting of desires as this is from the things which break the fast.
Likewise, from the invalidators of the fast is Hijāma, which is withdrawing blood for the purpose of treatment, as this weakens the fasting person and removes his strength.
The Prophet ﷺ said:
(أفطر الحاجم والمحجوم)
“The performer of Hijāma and the one who Hijāma is being performed on both break their fast”.
And similar to Hijāma is: medically extracting blood to assist a sick person or to donate it; verily this breaks the fast because it resembles Hijāma in withdrawing a lot of blood. As for small amount of blood like what’s withdrawn for tests whilst it’s only a little, then this doesn’t affect the fast.
Also, from the things which break the fast is what women undergo of menstruation, as this also weakens the woman, it weakens her strength, that is why Allah prevented them from fasting and obligated expiation for it.
(فَعِدَّةٌ مِنْ أَيَّامٍ أُخَرَ)
The same number (should be made up) from other days
And as for Istihātha (intermenstrual bleeding), which is a bleeding which occurs at other than it’s expected time, then this doesn’t effect the fast, therefore the one experiencing this is to fast because she takes the ruling one who is pure. Likewise if a person was to get wounded causing blood to flow from him, then it also doesn’t effect his fast because it was without his choice.
Therefore preserve your fasts from all that breaks it, May Allah have mercy upon you.
Likewise, from what is obligatory upon the fasting person is to follow through his intention like what we have mentioned. Because if the fasting person was to intend to break his fast he would invalidate it even if he didn’t consume anything, if he intends to break an obligatory fast then he would invalidate his fast due to cutting off the intention. Preserve your fasts from what corrupts it and what makes it deficient.
"Whoever forgets that he is fasting, and eats or drinks is to complete his fast, as it was Allah who fed him and gave him something to drink."
And from that is taking medication which the fasting person swallows or is injected through the rectum; which enters the abdomen, such as pills, liquids, and medicinal I.V. that enter ones abdomen, then indeed doing so breaks ones fast.
Similarly, injections that nourish breaks the fast because it falls under the meaning of food and drink. The same also for injections that’s taken through the veins because it mixes with blood and precedes to the body; this also breaks the fast. As for injections that’s taken under the skin or muscle then this doesn’t affect the fast.
And likewise among the things which break the fast is what’s extracted from the stomach, such as vomiting through the mouth whereby the fasting person vomits what’s in his stomach through the mouth. Thus, if he vomits (deliberately) then he breaks his fast, as for if he’s overcome by the vomit without choice then this doesn’t effect his fast.
Likewise from the invalidators of the fast is extraction of semen by way of sexual intercourse, or by way of the secret sin (masturbation), or by way of looking, repeatedly looking, continuously looking at women. So because of that it causes him to ejaculate due to it being a type of intercourse that causes the emitting of desires caused by the person himself, ejaculation caused by himself, thus his fast breaks because of it, seeing as from what is (also meant to) be fasted from is desires.
Allah the Most High said in the Hadith Qudsi regarding the fasting person:
(يدع شهوته وطعامه وشرابه من أجلي)
“He left off his desires, food, and drink for my sake”
So just as he leaves off food and drink, then likewise he leaves off the emitting of desires as this is from the things which break the fast.
Likewise, from the invalidators of the fast is Hijāma, which is withdrawing blood for the purpose of treatment, as this weakens the fasting person and removes his strength.
The Prophet ﷺ said:
(أفطر الحاجم والمحجوم)
“The performer of Hijāma and the one who Hijāma is being performed on both break their fast”.
And similar to Hijāma is: medically extracting blood to assist a sick person or to donate it; verily this breaks the fast because it resembles Hijāma in withdrawing a lot of blood. As for small amount of blood like what’s withdrawn for tests whilst it’s only a little, then this doesn’t affect the fast.
Also, from the things which break the fast is what women undergo of menstruation, as this also weakens the woman, it weakens her strength, that is why Allah prevented them from fasting and obligated expiation for it.
(فَعِدَّةٌ مِنْ أَيَّامٍ أُخَرَ)
The same number (should be made up) from other days
And as for Istihātha (intermenstrual bleeding), which is a bleeding which occurs at other than it’s expected time, then this doesn’t effect the fast, therefore the one experiencing this is to fast because she takes the ruling one who is pure. Likewise if a person was to get wounded causing blood to flow from him, then it also doesn’t effect his fast because it was without his choice.
Therefore preserve your fasts from all that breaks it, May Allah have mercy upon you.
Likewise, from what is obligatory upon the fasting person is to follow through his intention like what we have mentioned. Because if the fasting person was to intend to break his fast he would invalidate it even if he didn’t consume anything, if he intends to break an obligatory fast then he would invalidate his fast due to cutting off the intention. Preserve your fasts from what corrupts it and what makes it deficient.