Average Social Network Usage (not done by all!): 1 high usage: most viewed content --> sexy / porn / (half) naked - 2 medium - high usage: bullshit / no sense (trends) / gossip / trash / mediocre quality videos - 3 medium / low usage: true professional / high quality content / facts / important videos
Who better can report the world how people are using social networks than us. Active like no one other in most countries / socials / topics (SFW + NSFW) in various language related to various quality (from bullshit to science, because yes, we keep track of bullshits too...) as consumer, but as producer with multiple brands in multiple topics too.
Now let we share what we see daily, no matter the topic, language or social.
Everyone should know that people are interested to see sexy content, no matter if this is a girl "repairing" an iPhone, some OnlyFans girls, some "fake dancers" in bikini moving a bit the arms, etc. Reason why PornHub, Xvideos and other websites are the most visited webpages ... Reason why ads show beautiful girls etc too.
Ok let we go to the next category: people following Italian content should know it really good, this means "just trash content" like all trash content showed in Italian TV. In this category we find no sense videos, fake information related videos, gossip and gossip, girls doing nothing on the video (not naked) and being not attractive too (but people still like such videos ...), low quality content, kid related content, trends (just think about "parlare in corsivo", "food wasting videos", etc.), etc.
Last category followed by few: true talents, videomakers, photographers, teaching videos, official government channels, researchers, professionals, high quality content, nature / animal / drone related videos, musicians / festivals, facts and informations, important videos, no limit social networks with better features, universities, real dancers (not just moving arms like most TikTokers ...) etc.
Who better can report the world how people are using social networks than us. Active like no one other in most countries / socials / topics (SFW + NSFW) in various language related to various quality (from bullshit to science, because yes, we keep track of bullshits too...) as consumer, but as producer with multiple brands in multiple topics too.
Now let we share what we see daily, no matter the topic, language or social.
Everyone should know that people are interested to see sexy content, no matter if this is a girl "repairing" an iPhone, some OnlyFans girls, some "fake dancers" in bikini moving a bit the arms, etc. Reason why PornHub, Xvideos and other websites are the most visited webpages ... Reason why ads show beautiful girls etc too.
Ok let we go to the next category: people following Italian content should know it really good, this means "just trash content" like all trash content showed in Italian TV. In this category we find no sense videos, fake information related videos, gossip and gossip, girls doing nothing on the video (not naked) and being not attractive too (but people still like such videos ...), low quality content, kid related content, trends (just think about "parlare in corsivo", "food wasting videos", etc.), etc.
Last category followed by few: true talents, videomakers, photographers, teaching videos, official government channels, researchers, professionals, high quality content, nature / animal / drone related videos, musicians / festivals, facts and informations, important videos, no limit social networks with better features, universities, real dancers (not just moving arms like most TikTokers ...) etc.