Репост из: Facts behind Terrorism and Telegram by GRT ( ISIS / Hamas / Gaza - Palestine / Al-Qa'ida )
What we can learn from Crocus City Hall, even if it's too early now ... Part 3
Part 1 https://t.me/RussiaJustice/122
Ok, let we continue after we discovered how LinkedIn is supporting mafia bullshit science!
Even by having a neutral point of view! and this is a decision that Russia need to take, means do they want to implement that? For which crime? In which cases is not ok? ... etc!
We are NOT saying Russia need to implement death penalty, if they don't want that! We are saying that Russia need to recheck facts AND DON'T LISTEN TO EU PROPAGANDA! because 🇪🇺 is just full of fake science related to crimes!
So again:
d) like said, such things don't depend just on death penalty yes or no!
Don't be ignorant like Amnesty! Otherwise death penalty ban would reduce car accidents!
Можно было бы согласиться с тем, что после ухода в прошлое принципа кровной мести смертная казнь могла бы быть полезной, если бы была способна устранить большее зло, чем является она сама, либо если бы она могла противостоять деяниям, приносящим наивысший вред обществу, государству или человеку.
It might be agreed that, after the principle of blood feud has become a thing of the past, the death penalty could be useful if it could eliminate a greater evil than itself, or if it could counteract acts that bring the greatest harm to society, the state or to a person.
a) death penalty is not an act of revenge!
b) death penalty is not blood, because there is no blood at all! Is assisted suicide if we don't apply like shit!
We don't 🪓 people! like Russia is doing with 👂! (let we remember that we stand for death penalty when you do mutilation!
c) death penalty not necessary remove a crime! See next post
Part 1 https://t.me/RussiaJustice/122
Ok, let we continue after we discovered how LinkedIn is supporting mafia bullshit science!
Even by having a neutral point of view! and this is a decision that Russia need to take, means do they want to implement that? For which crime? In which cases is not ok? ... etc!
We are NOT saying Russia need to implement death penalty, if they don't want that! We are saying that Russia need to recheck facts AND DON'T LISTEN TO EU PROPAGANDA! because 🇪🇺 is just full of fake science related to crimes!
So again:
d) like said, such things don't depend just on death penalty yes or no!
Don't be ignorant like Amnesty! Otherwise death penalty ban would reduce car accidents!
Можно было бы согласиться с тем, что после ухода в прошлое принципа кровной мести смертная казнь могла бы быть полезной, если бы была способна устранить большее зло, чем является она сама, либо если бы она могла противостоять деяниям, приносящим наивысший вред обществу, государству или человеку.
It might be agreed that, after the principle of blood feud has become a thing of the past, the death penalty could be useful if it could eliminate a greater evil than itself, or if it could counteract acts that bring the greatest harm to society, the state or to a person.
a) death penalty is not an act of revenge!
b) death penalty is not blood, because there is no blood at all! Is assisted suicide if we don't apply like shit!
We don't 🪓 people! like Russia is doing with 👂! (let we remember that we stand for death penalty when you do mutilation!
c) death penalty not necessary remove a crime! See next post