ChatGPT by OpenAI bullshit even related to terrorism / laws Part 4
Part 1
Departementet foreslår videre endringer i straffeprosessloven §§ 64 og 65, slik at det uttrykkelig fremgår hvem som har påtalekompetansen i saker med en strafferamme på fengsel inntil 30 år, se punkt 9.2.
The maximum time frame for detention according to both the Criminal Code 1902 Section 39 e and the Criminal Code 2005 Section 43 is 21 years, and the proposal here does not involve any change in this. On 8 February 2013, the ministry submitted for consultation the question of whether the maximum time frame for detention should be increased.
The Ministry further proposes amendments to §§ 64 and 65 of the Criminal Procedure Act, so that it is expressly stated who has the competence to prosecute in cases with a penalty of imprisonment of up to 30 years, see point 9.2
Straffen for forbrytelse mot menneskeheten er fengsel inntil 30 år
The penalty for crimes against humanity is imprisonment for up to 30 years
Straffen for krigsforbrytelse ved anvendelse av forbudte stridsmidler er fengsel inntil 15 år, men inntil 30 år der forbrytelsen omfatter forsettlig drap av en sivil eller annen beskyttet person eller for øvrig hvis forbrytelsen er grov, jf. § 103 fjerde ledd annet punktum.
The penalty for a war crime involving the use of prohibited weapons of war is imprisonment for up to 15 years, but up to 30 years where the crime includes the intentional killing of a civilian or other protected person or otherwise if the crime is serious, cf. section 103, fourth paragraph, second sentence
* Dersom Anders Behring Breivik var blitt tiltalt og dømt for forbrytelse mot menneskeheten kunne han blitt dømt til 30 års fengsel. Da vil det ikke være mulig å forlenge dommen ytterligere.
* If Breivik had been prosecuted and convicted of crimes against humanity, he could have been sentenced to 30 years in prison
Part 1
Departementet foreslår videre endringer i straffeprosessloven §§ 64 og 65, slik at det uttrykkelig fremgår hvem som har påtalekompetansen i saker med en strafferamme på fengsel inntil 30 år, se punkt 9.2.
The maximum time frame for detention according to both the Criminal Code 1902 Section 39 e and the Criminal Code 2005 Section 43 is 21 years, and the proposal here does not involve any change in this. On 8 February 2013, the ministry submitted for consultation the question of whether the maximum time frame for detention should be increased.
The Ministry further proposes amendments to §§ 64 and 65 of the Criminal Procedure Act, so that it is expressly stated who has the competence to prosecute in cases with a penalty of imprisonment of up to 30 years, see point 9.2
Straffen for forbrytelse mot menneskeheten er fengsel inntil 30 år
The penalty for crimes against humanity is imprisonment for up to 30 years
Straffen for krigsforbrytelse ved anvendelse av forbudte stridsmidler er fengsel inntil 15 år, men inntil 30 år der forbrytelsen omfatter forsettlig drap av en sivil eller annen beskyttet person eller for øvrig hvis forbrytelsen er grov, jf. § 103 fjerde ledd annet punktum.
The penalty for a war crime involving the use of prohibited weapons of war is imprisonment for up to 15 years, but up to 30 years where the crime includes the intentional killing of a civilian or other protected person or otherwise if the crime is serious, cf. section 103, fourth paragraph, second sentence
* Dersom Anders Behring Breivik var blitt tiltalt og dømt for forbrytelse mot menneskeheten kunne han blitt dømt til 30 års fengsel. Da vil det ikke være mulig å forlenge dommen ytterligere.
* If Breivik had been prosecuted and convicted of crimes against humanity, he could have been sentenced to 30 years in prison