🇺🇸LETTERS FROM THE GULAG🇺🇸 🇺🇸JEFF MCKELLOP🇺🇸. 🇺🇸Jan 1 2022. update. we have had a pandemic in our cell block. 15, including my self. have had some sort of virus I can't tell if its the Influenza or COVID. I was jacked up for a few, finally got a COVID test, I've been demanding, a COVID Test, VA rep, TRICARE REP, Delta Dental REP for almost a year. this establishment is Hiding every thing that is happening, They took my Lab Top last week, I told my attorney, they never brought it back. on and on with the Racial bull shit, this place keeps going. we a have been lock down, 23\1 for almost 12 days. on and on. more later. 🇺🇸 Jan 4 2022 Day 14 lock down, no COVID TEST , I've lost the taste,feel weak again. The Staff are down to a minimum. We have one of the cooks up here watching us. Something is going on and no one will tell us.