Репост из: Chudjak
Remember this CHUD IQ RESEARCH request? Well, here are the results:
The "Far-Right" Genius: An Investigation into the Intelligence of the "Far-Right", by Johan Oosthuizen.
The "Far-Right" Genius: An Investigation into the Intelligence of the "Far-Right", by Johan Oosthuizen.
High IQ Among the "Far-Right": The "far-right" individuals had an average Full Scale IQ of 125.7 (SD = 14.1), markedly above population averages.
Contradictory to General Trends: Unlike prior findings of a negative correlation between intelligence and "right-wing" beliefs, this study found high cognitive ability among "far-right" individuals.
Minimal Racial IQ Variation: Racial background did not at all predict IQ variation within the far-right, contrary to global patterns, suggesting intelligence is a more significant driver of ideological affiliation.
Sexual and Religious Variability: Substantial variations in IQ were observed, particularly among sexes and religious subgroups, with Christian Identitarian & Kinist men scoring highest (average IQ: 140.3) and Völkisch Pagan women scoring lowest (average IQ: 114). Overall, "far-right" men had an average IQ of 126.9 (SD = 12.7), whereas "far-right" women had a substantially lower average of 117.8 (SD = 19.8).
Ideological Implications: Findings and memetic analyses suggest high intelligence may not only correlate with but potentially catalyse "far-right" beliefs.
Significant Internal Heterogeneity: Demographic and religious sub-groups within the "far-right" showed substantial diversity, against the common perception of a White, Christian, male "far-right".